Windows đŸ‘‘ uTorrent Pro v3.6.0 Build 47044 [NO ADS/FASTER DOWNLOAD] 👑


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

8 699
1 Avril 2024

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
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l'Accru đŸ„‡
Level 1

Torrents Stats

10 Mai 2020
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'AffirmĂ© đŸ„ˆ
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Janvier 2021
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

5 Juillet 2024
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

PrĂ©sentation d'uTorrent Pro​

ÎŒTorrent est un client torrent rapide, facile, gratuit et compact. Le client ÎŒTorrent est aujourd'hui l'une des solutions les plus populaires pour le rĂ©seau BitTorrent. Le programme combine une fonctionnalitĂ© optimale avec un petit volume. Il prend en charge le travail indĂ©pendamment des randonneurs, vous permet de tĂ©lĂ©charger plusieurs fichiers Ă  la fois, dispose d'une bande passante personnalisable, d'une restauration rapide des tĂ©lĂ©chargements interrompus, etc.

ÎŒTorrent est un logiciel totalement gratuit pour le partage de fichiers via la technologie P2P dans le rĂ©seau de partage de fichiers BitTorrent. Par rapport aux autres clients uTorrent se distingue par une distribution de petite taille, bien que de nos jours, il soit probablement faux de qualifier de taille unique et unique le seul avantage d'uTorrent de « tĂ©raoctets et de gigahertz », mais d'un autre cĂŽtĂ©, c'est une confirmation de la qualitĂ© et du professionnalisme des programmeurs d'uTorrent qui savent Ă©crire un code « compact ».

L'un des meilleurs uTorrent est devenu une interface pratique, bien pensée, trÚs agréable et réagissant rapidement aux actions de l'utilisateur. Il prend en charge toutes les fonctions nécessaires au fonctionnement du réseau P2P BitTorrent.

Principales caractĂ©ristiques de uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent prend en charge le chargement parallĂšle ;
  • Utilisation rationnelle de la bande passante et permet de la personnaliser ;
  • Le planificateur intĂ©grĂ© uTorrent gĂšre les tĂąches ;
  • uTorrent a la capacitĂ© de dĂ©finir la prioritĂ© du trafic et d’ajuster la vitesse ;
  • Il dispose de fonctionnalitĂ©s d'arrĂȘt rapide et de reprise des tĂ©lĂ©chargements ;
  • uTorrent prend en charge UPnP et NAT-PMP, ainsi que les extensions de protocole populaires ;
  • Il a une faible consommation de mĂ©moire et une petite taille de programme ;
  • Prend en charge la lecture des flux RSS et le tĂ©lĂ©chargement d’annonces torrent ;
  • Interagit avec d'autres clients sans avoir besoin du tracker principal (DHT) ;
  • uTorrent prend en charge le protocole de cryptage ;
  • L'interface uTorrent a pris en charge le changement d'ordre et la possibilitĂ© de traduction dans d'autres langues ;
  • Dans uTorrent, contrĂŽle Ă  distance intĂ©grĂ© via le protocole HTTP, en utilisant l'interface Web (WebUI) ;
  • uTorrent fonctionne sur toutes les versions du systĂšme d'exploitation Windows ;
  • Il est Ă©galement possible d'utiliser uTorrent sous Linux en utilisant Wine.

Journal des modifications d'uTorrent Pro​

Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des modifications apportées à la version actuelle d'uTorrent Pro.

Captures d'Ă©cran de uTorrent Pro​

utorrent pro

Comment utiliser uTorrent Pro ?​

Suivez les instructions ci-dessous pour activer votre version de uTorrent Pro.

  1. ExĂ©cutez le programme d’installation Ă  partir du dossier « Setup » et terminez l’installation.
  2. Fermez complĂštement le programme (mĂȘme Ă  partir de la barre d'Ă©tat systĂšme) et copiez le correctif dans l'installation du programme.
  3. Faites un clic droit sur le patch et cliquez sur « ExĂ©cuter en tant qu’administrateur »
  4. Cliquez sur le bouton « Patch » (ou crack) et sélectionnez le fichier exécutable principal (si nécessaire)
  5. VoilĂ , profitez-en !
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif đŸ„‰
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Octobre 2023


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

4 Août 2024
Top, merci a toi pour ce logiciel bien pratique


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

9 Août 2024
merci bg c'est great amazing !!:)


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

22 Août 2022
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

27 Août 2024
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci ❀


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

22 DĂ©cembre 2019
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

12 Novembre 2019
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

3 Septembre 2024
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif đŸ„‰
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Avril 2022
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

21 Juillet 2019
merci beaucoup sa fait plaisir


l'Actif đŸ„‰
Level 1

Torrents Stats

13 FĂ©vrier 2022
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif đŸ„‰

Torrents Stats

5 Octobre 2021
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[Hidden content]


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

19 Janvier 2020
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci !


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

17 Novembre 2024
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif đŸ„‰
Level 1

Torrents Stats

19 Avril 2022
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
le torrent por favorrrrr, merci


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

15 Juillet 2024
Voir la piĂšce jointe 83273

uTorrent Pro Overview​

ÎŒTorrent – a quick, easy, free and compact torrent klent. Client ÎŒTorrent, today, is one of the most popular solutions for network BitTorrent. The program combines optimum functionality with a small amount. Supports the work regardless of the trekkers, lets you download multiple files at once, has a customizable bandwidth, rapid restoration of interrupted downloads, and more.

ÎŒTorrent – a totally free software for file sharing on P2P technology in the file-sharing network BitTorrent. From other clients uTorrent features a small size distribution, although in the present day “terabytes and gigahertz,” the size of uTorrent, called the sole and unique advantage will probably be wrong, but on the other hand it is confirmation of the quality and professionalism of the uTorrent programmers who can write a “compact” code.

One of the best uTorrent has become a convenient, well thought out, very nice interface and fast response to user actions. It supports all the necessary functions for operation in BitTorrent P2P-network.

Key Features of uTorrent Pro​

  • uTorrent supports parallel loading;
  • Rational use of bandwidth and allows you to customize it;
  • Built-in scheduler uTorrent manages tasks;
  • uTorrent has the ability to set the priority of traffic and adjust the speed;
  • It has features a quick stop and resume downloads;
  • uTorrent supports UPnP and NAT-PMP, as well as popular protocol extensions;
  • It has low memory consumption and small size of the program;
  • Supports reading RSS-feeds and download torrent-announcements;
  • Interacts with other customers without the need for the main tracker (DHT);
  • uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption;
  • Interface uTorrent has supported the change order and the possibility of translation into other languages;
  • In uTorrent integrated remote control via HTTP-protocol, using web-interface (WebUI);
  • uTorrent works in all versions of OS Windows;
  • It is also possible to use uTorrent in Linux using Wine.

uTorrent Pro Changelog​

Below is the list of changes made to the current version of uTorrent Pro.

uTorrent Pro Screenshots​

utorrent pro

How to use uTorrent Pro?​

Follow the below instructions to activate your version of uTorrent Pro.

  1. Run installer from “Setup” folder and complete the installation.
  2. Close program completely (even from system tray) and Copy patch to program’s installation
  3. Right click on patch and click “Run as administrator”
  4. Click on “Patch” (or crack) button and select the main executable file (if required)
  5. That’s it, Enjoy!
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci !!
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