Traité Problème avec la faim


Master 🏆
Level 1

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29 Novembre 2015
Salut a tous!

J'ai un problème avec la faim, ma barre de faim diminue, je mange mais sa ne la remonte pas sa monte la vie au lieu de la faim normal?



Master 🏆
Level 5

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1 116
1 111
26 Novembre 2015
Salut, pour que ta faim remonte, il faus que l'items passe via le menu F4 dans la catégorie Cook, qui ce fais spawn avec un cuisto, si par hasard tu utilise Food Mod (Pizza etc..) si tu le fais spawn depuis les entity cela regen ta vie après tu doit config la bouffe dans ton cook.lua pour par la suite la faire spawn en cuisto et la manger ^^' (Oui.. ce texte est asser compliquer, si tu n'as pas compris a tu TS3 ?)

Ou si je me suis tromper de A a Z, tu aurais TS3


Master 🏆
Level 1

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29 Novembre 2015
Re, ah d'accord, c'est un peut con tout sa quoi.. je configure sa dans la journée et je t'en dit quoi! Merci! :)


Master 🏆
Level 1

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29 Novembre 2015
Re, ah d'accord, c'est un peut con tout sa quoi.. je configure sa dans la journée et je t'en dit quoi! Merci! :)
Peut passer en traiter ? :)


Master 🏆
Level 1

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29 Novembre 2015
Non toujours même problème ^^


Master 🏆
Level 5

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1 116
1 111
26 Novembre 2015
C’était donc pas ce que j'ai dit ?


Master 🏆
Level 1

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29 Novembre 2015
Apparemment non, c'est très louche..


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

1 116
1 111
26 Novembre 2015
Si tu veux on peux aller sur TS3 ? car ton problème m'intrigue..


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Novembre 2015


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Novembre 2015
Désoler je n'ai pas plus vous répondre, j'était en vacances (Fin bref). Passer moi votre TeamSpeak, je passerais :)


Master 🏆
Level 1

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26 Novembre 2015
tu installes le food mod sur ton serveur que tu trouveras dans le workshop puis tu copies colle sa dans food.lua

DarkRP.createFood( "Pizza 4 fromage", {
model = "models/cheesepizza01/cheesepizza01.mdl",
energy = 25,
price = 70,

DarkRP.createFood( "Pizza Chorizzo", {
model = "models/peppizza02/peppizza02.mdl",
energy = 25,
price = 70,

DarkRP.createFood( "Hamburger - Frites", {
model = "models/burgerplate01/burgerplate01.mdl",
energy = 12,
price = 24,

DarkRP.createFood( "Bacon", {
model = "models/bacon01/bacon01.mdl",
energy = 2,
price = 4,

DarkRP.createFood( "Milkshake", {
model = "models/chocolateshake01/chocolateshake01.mdl",
energy = 2,
price = 4,

DarkRP.createFood( "Macaroni au fromage", {
model = "models/macncheese01/macncheese01.mdl",
energy = 15,
price = 30,

DarkRP.createFood( "Spaghetti", {
model = "models/bowlofspaghetti01/bowlofspaghetti01.mdl",
energy = 13,
price = 26,

DarkRP.createFood( "Rouleau de saumon", {
model = "models/sushipack/sushi01.mdl",
energy = 5,
price = 10,

DarkRP.createFood( "Twinkie", {
model = "models/twinkie01/twinkie01.mdl",
energy = 4,
price = 8,

DarkRP.createFood( "Sushi au oeuf", {
model = "models/sushipack/eggsushi01.mdl",
energy = 10,
price = 20,


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Novembre 2015
Sa ne marche toujours pas j'active tout sa ne marche pas^^


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Novembre 2015
tu as du mal config dans t'es setting.lua ou config.lua envoie moi tes fichier pour voir


Master 🏆
Level 2

Torrents Stats

12 Décembre 2015
Essaye avec celui là sinon si le problème persiste toujours
Et si sa bug toujours, cela vient de ton darkrpmodification ;)


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Novembre 2015
DarkRP config settings

This is the settings file of DarkRP. Every DarkRP setting is listed here.

If this file is missing settings (because of e.g. an update), DarkRP will assume default values for these settings.
You need not worry about updating this file. If a new setting is added you can manually add them to this file.

Toggle settings
Set to true or false

-- voice3D - Enable/disable 3DVoice is enabled
GM.Config.voice3D = true
-- AdminsCopWeapons - Enable/disable admins spawning with cop weapons
GM.Config.AdminsCopWeapons = true
-- adminBypassJobCustomCheck - Enable/disable whether an admin can force set a job with whenever customCheck returns false
GM.Config.adminBypassJobRestrictions = true
-- allow people getting their own custom jobs
GM.Config.allowjobswitch = true
-- allowrpnames - Allow Players to Set their RP names using the /rpname command.
GM.Config.allowrpnames = true
-- allowsprays - Enable/disable the use of sprays on the server.
GM.Config.allowsprays = true
-- allowvehicleowning - Enable/disable whether people can own vehicles.
GM.Config.allowvehicleowning = true
-- allowvnocollide - Enable/disable the ability to no-collide a vehicle (for security).
GM.Config.allowvnocollide = false
-- alltalk - Enable for global chat, disable for local chat.
GM.Config.alltalk = false
-- autovehiclelock - Enable/Disable automatic locking of a vehicle when a player exits it.
GM.Config.autovehiclelock = false
-- babygod - people spawn godded (prevent spawn killing)
GM.Config.babygod = true
-- canforcedooropen - whether players can force an unownable door open with lockpick or battering ram or w/e
GM.Config.canforcedooropen = true
-- chatsounds - sounds are played when some things are said in chat
GM.Config.chatsounds = true
-- chiefjailpos - Allow the Chief to set the jail positions.
GM.Config.chiefjailpos = true
-- cit_propertytax - Enable/disable property tax that is exclusive only for citizens.
GM.Config.cit_propertytax = false
-- copscanunfreeze - Enable/disable the ability of cops to unfreeze other people's props
GM.Config.copscanunfreeze = true
-- copscanunweld - Enable/disable the ability of cops to unweld other people's props
GM.Config.copscanunweld = false
-- cpcanarrestcp - Allow/Disallow CPs to arrest other CPs.
GM.Config.cpcanarrestcp = true
-- currencyLeft - The position of the currency symbol. true for left, false for right.
GM.Config.currencyLeft = true
-- customjobs - Enable/disable the /job command (personalized job names).
GM.Config.customjobs = true
-- customspawns - Enable/disable whether custom spawns should be used.
GM.Config.customspawns = true
-- deathblack - Whether or not a player sees black on death.
GM.Config.deathblack = false
-- showdeaths - Display kill information in the upper right corner of everyone's screen.
GM.Config.showdeaths = true
-- deadtalk - Enable/disable whether people talk and use commands while dead
GM.Config.deadtalk = true
-- deadvoice - Enable/disable whether people talk through the microphone while dead
GM.Config.deadvoice = false
-- deathpov - Enable/disable whether people see their death in first person view
GM.Config.deathpov = false
-- decalcleaner - Enable/Disable clearing ever players decals.
GM.Config.decalcleaner = false
-- disallowClientsideScripts - Clientside scripts can be very useful for customizing the HUD or to aid in building. This option bans those scripts.
GM.Config.disallowClientsideScripts = true
-- doorwarrants - Enable/disable Warrant requirement to enter property.
GM.Config.doorwarrants = true
-- dropmoneyondeath - Enable/disable whether people drop money on death.
GM.Config.dropmoneyondeath = true
-- droppocketarrest - Enable/disable whether people drop the stuff in their pockets when they get arrested.
GM.Config.droppocketarrest = false
-- droppocketdeath - Enable/disable whether people drop the stuff in their pockets when they die.
GM.Config.droppocketdeath = false
-- dropweapondeath - Enable/disable whether people drop their current weapon when they die.
GM.Config.dropweapondeath = true
-- Whether players can drop the weapons they spawn with
GM.Config.dropspawnedweapons = false
-- dynamicvoice - Enable/disable whether only people in the same room as you can hear your mic.
GM.Config.dynamicvoice = true
-- earthquakes - Enable/disable earthquakes.
GM.Config.earthquakes = false
-- enablebuypistol - Turn /buy on of off.
GM.Config.enablebuypistol = true
-- enforceplayermodel - Whether or not to force players to use their role-defined character models.
GM.Config.enforceplayermodel = true
-- globalshow - Whether or not to display player info above players' heads in-game.
GM.Config.globalshow = false
-- ironshoot - Enable/disable whether people need iron sights to shoot.
GM.Config.ironshoot = true
-- showjob - Whether or not to display a player's job above their head in-game.
GM.Config.showjob = false
-- letters - Enable/disable letter writing / typing.
GM.Config.letters = true
-- license - Enable/disable People need a license to be able to pick up guns
GM.Config.license = false
-- lockpickfading - Enable/disable the lockpicking of fading doors
GM.Config.lockpickfading = true
-- logging - Enable/disable logging everything that happens.
GM.Config.logging = true
-- lottery - Enable/disable creating lotteries for mayors
GM.Config.lottery = true
-- showname - Whether or not to display a player's name above their head in-game.
GM.Config.showname = false
-- showname - Whether or not to display a player's health above their head in-game.
GM.Config.showhealth = false
-- needwantedforarrest - Enable/disable Cops can only arrest wanted people.
GM.Config.needwantedforarrest = false
-- noguns - Enabling this feature bans Guns and Gun Dealers.
GM.Config.noguns = false
-- norespawn - Enable/Disable that people don't have to respawn when they change job.
GM.Config.norespawn = false
-- npcarrest - Enable/disable arresting npc's
GM.Config.npcarrest = true
-- ooc - Whether or not OOC tags are enabled.
GM.Config.ooc = true
-- propertytax - Enable/disable property tax.
GM.Config.propertytax = false
-- proppaying - Whether or not players should pay for spawning props.
GM.Config.proppaying = false
-- propspawning - Enable/disable props spawning. Applies to admins too.
GM.Config.propspawning = true
-- removeclassitems - Enable/disable shipments/microwaves/etc. removal when someone changes team.
GM.Config.removeclassitems = true
-- respawninjail - Enable/disable whether people can respawn in jail when they die
GM.Config.respawninjail = true
-- restrictallteams - Enable/disable Players can only be citizen until an admin allows them.
GM.Config.restrictallteams = false
-- restrictbuypistol - Enabling this feature makes /buy available only to Gun Dealers.
GM.Config.restrictbuypistol = false
-- restrictdrop - Enable/disable restricting the weapons players can drop. Setting this to true disallows weapons from shipments from being dropped
GM.Config.restrictdrop = false
-- revokeLicenseOnJobChange - Whether licenses are revoked when a player changes jobs
GM.Config.revokeLicenseOnJobChange = true
-- shouldResetLaws - Enable/Disable resetting the laws back to the default law set when the mayor changes
GM.Config.shouldResetLaws = false
-- strictsuicide - Whether or not players should spawn where they suicided
GM.Config.strictsuicide = false
-- telefromjail - Enable/disable teleporting from jail.
GM.Config.telefromjail = true
-- teletojail - Enable/disable teleporting to jail.
GM.Config.teletojail = true
-- unlockdoorsonstart - Enable/Disable unlocking all doors on map start.
GM.Config.unlockdoorsonstart = false
-- voiceradius - Enable/disable local voice chat.
GM.Config.voiceradius = true
-- tax - Whether players pay taxes on their wallets.
GM.Config.wallettax = false
-- wantedsuicide - Enable/Disable suiciding while you are wanted by the police.
GM.Config.wantedsuicide = false
-- realisticfalldamage - Enable/Disable dynamic fall damage. Setting mp_falldamage to 1 will over-ride this.
GM.Config.realisticfalldamage = true
-- printeroverheat - Can the default money printer overheat on its own?
GM.Config.printeroverheat = true
-- weaponCheckerHideDefault - Hide default weapons when checking weapons
GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideDefault = true
-- weaponCheckerHideNoLicense - Hide weapons that do not require a license
GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideNoLicense = false

Value settings
-- adminnpcs - Whether or not NPCs should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only
GM.Config.adminnpcs = 2
-- adminsents - Whether or not SENTs should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only
GM.Config.adminsents = 2
-- adminvehicles - Whether or not vehicles should be admin only. 0 = everyone, 1 = admin or higher, 2 = superadmin or higher, 3 = rcon only
GM.Config.adminvehicles = 1
-- adminweapons - Who can spawn weapons: 0: admins only, 1: supadmins only, 2: no one
GM.Config.adminweapons = 0
-- arrestspeed - Sets the max arrest speed.
GM.Config.arrestspeed = 120
-- babygodtime - How long the babygod lasts
GM.Config.babygodtime = 5
-- chatsoundsdelay - How long to wait before letting a player emit a sound from their chat again.
-- Leave this on at least a few seconds to prevent people from spamming sounds. Set to 0 to disable.
GM.Config.chatsoundsdelay = 5
-- deathfee - the amount of money someone drops when dead.
GM.Config.deathfee = 99999999999999
-- decaltimer - Sets the time to clear clientside decals. (seconds)
GM.Config.decaltimer = 120
-- demotetime - Number of seconds before a player can rejoin a team after demotion from that team.
GM.Config.demotetime = 120
-- doorcost - Sets the cost of a door.
GM.Config.doorcost = 30
-- entremovedelay - how long to wait before removing a bought entity after disconnect.
GM.Config.entremovedelay = 0
-- gunlabweapon - The weapon that the gunlab spawns
GM.Config.gunlabweapon = "weapon_357"
-- jailtimer - Sets the jailtimer. (in seconds)
GM.Config.jailtimer = 180
-- maxdoors - Sets the max amount of doors one can own.
GM.Config.maxdoors = 10
-- maxdrugs - Sets max drugs.
GM.Config.maxdrugs = 2
-- maxfoods - Sets the max food cartons per Microwave owner.
GM.Config.maxfoods = 2
-- maxlawboards - The maximum number of law boards the mayor can place.
GM.Config.maxlawboards = 2
-- maxletters - Sets max letters.
GM.Config.maxletters = 10
-- maxlotterycost - Maximum payment the mayor can set to join a lottery.
GM.Config.maxlotterycost = 250
-- maxvehicles - Sets how many vehicles one can buy.
GM.Config.maxvehicles = 5
-- microwavefoodcost - Sets the sale price of Microwave Food.
GM.Config.microwavefoodcost = 30
-- minlotterycost - Minimum payment the mayor can set to join a lottery.
GM.Config.minlotterycost = 30
-- Money packets will get removed if they don't get picked up after a while. Set to 0 to disable
GM.Config.moneyRemoveTime = 600
-- mprintamount - Value of the money printed by the money printer.
GM.Config.mprintamount = 250
-- normalsalary - Sets the starting salary for newly joined players.
GM.Config.normalsalary = 45
-- npckillpay - Sets the money given for each NPC kill.
GM.Config.npckillpay = 10
-- paydelay - Sets how long it takes before people get salary
GM.Config.paydelay = 160
-- pocketitems - Sets the amount of objects the pocket can carry
GM.Config.pocketitems = 10
-- pricecap - The maximum price of items (using /price)
GM.Config.pricecap = 500
-- pricemin - The minimum price of items (using /price)
GM.Config.pricemin = 50
-- propcost - How much prop spawning should cost. (prop paying must be enabled for this to have an effect)
GM.Config.propcost = 10
-- quakechance - Chance of an earthquake happening.
GM.Config.quakechance = 4000
-- respawntime - Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before respawning.
GM.Config.respawntime = 1
-- changejobtime - Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before changing job.
GM.Config.changejobtime = 60
-- runspeed - Sets the max running speed.
GM.Config.runspeed = 240
-- runspeed - Sets the max running speed for CP teams
GM.Config.runspeedcp = 255
-- searchtime - Number of seconds for which a search warrant is valid.
GM.Config.searchtime = 30
-- ShipmentSpawnTime - Antispam time between spawning shipments.
GM.Config.ShipmentSpamTime = 3
-- shipmenttime - The number of seconds it takes for a shipment to spawn.
GM.Config.shipmentspawntime = 10
-- startinghealth - the health when you spawn.
GM.Config.startinghealth = 100
-- startingmoney - your wallet when you join for the first time.
GM.Config.startingmoney = 500
-- vehiclecost - Sets the cost of a vehicle (To own it).
GM.Config.vehiclecost = 40
-- wallettaxmax - Maximum percentage of tax to be paid.
GM.Config.wallettaxmax = 5
-- wallettaxmin - Minimum percentage of tax to be paid.
GM.Config.wallettaxmin = 1
-- wallettaxtime - Time in seconds between taxing players. Requires server restart.
GM.Config.wallettaxtime = 600
-- wantedtime - Number of seconds for which a player is wanted for.
GM.Config.wantedtime = 180
-- walkspeed - Sets the max walking speed.
GM.Config.walkspeed = 160
-- falldamagedamper - The damper on realistic fall damage. Default is 15. Decrease this for more damage.
GM.Config.falldamagedamper = 15
-- falldamageamount - The base damage taken from falling for static fall damage. Default is 10
GM.Config.falldamageamount = 10
-- printeroverheatchance - The likelyhood of a printer overheating. The higher this number, the less likely. Minimum 3. Default 22
GM.Config.printeroverheatchance = 22

Other settings

-- The classname of money packets. Use this to create your own money entity!
-- Note: the money packet must support the "Setamount" method (or the amount DTVar)
GM.Config.MoneyClass = "spawned_money"
-- In case you do wish to keep the default money, but change the model, this option is the way to go:
GM.Config.moneyModel = "models/props/cs_assault/money.mdl"

-- The skin DarkRP uses. Set to "default" to use the GMod default derma theme
GM.Config.DarkRPSkin = "DarkRP"
GM.Config.currency = "$"
GM.Config.chatCommandPrefix = "/"
GM.Config.F1MenuHelpPage = ""
GM.Config.F1MenuHelpPageTitle = "Wiki page"

-- Put Steam ID's and ranks in this list, and the players will have that rank when they join.
GM.Config.DefaultPlayerGroups = {
["STEAM_0:0:50480692"] = "fondateur",
["STEAM_0:0:11111111"] = "admin",

-- Custom modules in this addon that are disabled.
GM.Config.DisabledCustomModules = {
["hudreplacement"] = false,
["extraf4tab"] = false,

-- The list of weapons that players are not allowed to drop. Items set to true are not allowed to be dropped
GM.Config.DisallowDrop = {
["arrest_stick"] = true,
["door_ram"] = true,
["gmod_camera"] = true,
["gmod_tool"] = true,
["keys"] = true,
["lockpick"] = true,
["med_kit"] = true,
["pocket"] = true,
["stunstick"] = true,
["unarrest_stick"] = true,
["weapon_keypadchecker"] = true,
["weapon_physcannon"] = true,
["weapon_physgun"] = true,
["weaponchecker"] = true

-- The list of weapons people spawn with
GM.Config.DefaultWeapons = {

-- Override categories
-- NOTE: categories are to be set in the "category" field of the custom jobs/shipments/entities/ammo/pistols/vehicles
-- Use this only to override the categories of _default_ things.
-- This will NOT work for your own custom stuff.
-- Make sure the category is created in the darkrp_customthings/categories.lua, otherwise it won't work!
GM.Config.CategoryOverride = {
jobs = {
["Citizen"] = "Citizens",
["Hobo"] = "Citizens",
["Gun Dealer"] = "Citizens",
["Medic"] = "Citizens",
["Civil Protection"] = "Civil Protection",
["Gangster"] = "Gangsters",
["Mob boss"] = "Gangsters",
["Civil Protection Chief"] = "Civil Protection",
["Mayor"] = "Civil Protection"
entities = {
["Drug lab"] = "Other",
["Money printer"] = "Other",
["Gun lab"] = "Other"

shipments = {
["AK47"] = "Rifles",
["MP5"] = "Rifles",
["M4"] = "Rifles",
["Mac 10"] = "Other",
["Pump shotgun"] = "Shotguns",
["Sniper rifle"] = "Snipers"

weapons = {
["Desert eagle"] = "Pistols",
["Fiveseven"] = "Pistols",
["Glock"] = "Pistols",
["P228"] = "Pistols"
vehicles = {}, -- There are no default vehicles
ammo = {
["Pistol ammo"] = "Other",
["Shotgun ammo"] = "Other",
["Rifle ammo"] = "Other"

-- The list of weapons admins spawn with, in addition to the default weapons, a job's weapons and GM.Config.AdminCopWeapons
GM.Config.AdminWeapons = {

-- These are the default laws, they're unchangeable in-game.
GM.Config.DefaultLaws = {

GM.Config.PocketBlacklist = {
["fadmin_jail"] = true,
["meteor"] = true,
["door"] = true,
["func_"] = true,
["player"] = true,
["beam"] = true,
["worldspawn"] = true,
["env_"] = true,
["path_"] = true,
["prop_physics"] = true,
["money_printer"] = true,
["gunlab"] = true,
["prop_dynamic"] = true,

-- These weapons are classed as 'legal' in the weapon checker and are not stripped when confiscating weapons.
-- This setting is used IN ADDITION to GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideDefault and GM.Config.weaponCheckerHideNoLicense
-- You should use the former if you want to class the default weapons (GM.Config.DefaultWeapons and, if admin, GM.Config.AdminWeapons) and a player's job weapons as legal.
-- The latter takes GM.NoLicense weapons as legal (see licenseweapons.lua)
-- The format of this config is similar to GM.Config.DisallowDrop
GM.Config.noStripWeapons = {


-- The entities listed here will not be removed when a player changes their job.
-- This only applies when removeclassitems is set to true
-- Note: entities will only be removed when the player changes to a job that is not allowed to have the entity
GM.Config.preventClassItemRemoval = {
["gunlab"] = false,
["microwave"] = false,
["spawned_shipment"] = false,

-- Properties set to true are allowed to be used. Values set to false or are missing from this list are blocked.
GM.Config.allowedProperties = {
remover = true,
ignite = false,
extinguish = true,
keepupright = true,
gravity = true,
collision = true,
skin = true,
bodygroups = true,

F4 menu
-- hide the items that you can't buy and the jobs you can't get (instead of graying them out)
-- this option hides items when you don't have enough money, when the maximum is reached for a job or any other reason
GM.Config.hideNonBuyable = false

-- Hide only the items that you have the wrong job for (or for which the customCheck says no)
-- When you set this option to true and hideNonBuyable to false, you WILL see e.g. items that are too expensive for you to buy
-- but you won't see gundealer shipments when you have the citizen job
GM.Config.hideTeamUnbuyable = true

AFK module
-- The time of inactivity before being demoted
GM.Config.afkdemotetime = 600
-- Prevent people from spamming AFK
GM.Config.AFKDelay = 300

Hitmenu module
-- The minimum price for a hit
GM.Config.minHitPrice = 2000
-- The maximum price for a hit
GM.Config.maxHitPrice = 50000
-- The minimum distance between a hitman and his customer when they make the deal
GM.Config.minHitDistance = 150
-- The text that tells the player he can press use on the hitman to request a hit
GM.Config.hudText = "Demander moi un contrat en appuyant sur E"
-- The text above a hitman when he's got a hit
GM.Config.hitmanText = "Contrat Accepté!"
-- The cooldown time for a hit target (so they aren't spam killed)
GM.Config.hitTargetCooldown = 120
-- How long a customer has to wait to be able to buy another hit (from the moment the hit is accepted)
GM.Config.hitCustomerCooldown = 240

Hungermod module
-- hungerspeed <Amount> - Set the rate at which players will become hungry (2 is the default)
GM.Config.hungerspeed = 1
-- starverate <Amount> - How much health that is taken away every second the player is starving (3 is the default)
GM.Config.starverate = 1


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

26 Novembre 2015
tien essai le mien


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Novembre 2015
Les pizzas et tout sa ne veulent plus se mettre dans le menu F4..


Nouveau 🌱
Level 1

Torrents Stats

20 Novembre 2017
Thank you very much bro
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