[MiniGame] Murder Mystery 2 [Bungee/Multi Arena] [MySQL Support] [Source code Available] [10.1]


Heuuuu, ceci est un titre personnalisé du turfu !
Level 4

Torrents Stats

26 Décembre 2018
This resource is for sale, source code and ownership pm me for details.

Beta Version

Link Removed

Before posting a bad review contact me let me help you to fix your issues.

If you don't have Paypal to buy murder mystery, and you want to purchase it with another payment method private message me.

Code (Text):
Junior1544: 40$

Servers: [Review the plugin with your server ip if you want it to be added here].
  • Play.Betacraft.Org
  • mc.meliminecraft.com | 1.12
  • blocksmc.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.skybattle.net | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.blazevortex.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • s1.oldcrafters.net


Murder Mystery is a simple and fun Minigame, 1 player is a Murderer and 1 player is a Detective and all the other players are Innocents, the detective and innocents should kill the murder before they get killed by him!

  • Murderer
    • The murder has a knife, his job is to kill everyone in the game to win if there are still innocent players alive when the timer runs out, the Innocents win, the murder can kill anyone with one hit!
  • Detective:

    • The Detective his job is defending the Innocents. After the game starts the Detective gets a bow with infinite arrows he should shoot the murder saving the Innocents and winning the game. if the detective killed the wrong person (not the murder) both of them will die and a bow will drop the next one who picks up the bow will be the detective and have a chance to kill the murder.
  • Innocents

    • All the rest of players are innocents their job is to hide and run to not get killed by the murder they have a chance to collect gold and get a bow to kill the murder if they hit someone else by accident (not the murder) both of them will die.

  • Easy to setup the game
    • Simple commands and ways to set up the game fast
  • Multi-arena support
    • You can create arenas as much as you want | you can create multiple worlds and create arenas in it
  • LeaderHeads Support
    • Show top players on armor stands, heads etc..
  • PlaceholderAPI support
    • You are able to use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders on every message sent by Murder plugin.
  • Efficient scoreboard system
    • There are 4 scoreboards
      • Countdown:
        • %countdown% countdown time
        • %max% max players in game
        • %size% online players in game
      • Stats:
        • %kills% shows number of kills
        • %deaths% shows number of deaths
        • %wins% shows number of wins
        • %loses% shows number of loses
        • %score% shows number of score
      • Lobby:
        • %min% number of online players in game
        • %max% max players in game
      • Ingame:
        • %date% | date
        • %innocents% | number of innocents alive
        • %role% | your role
        • %map% | map name
        • %time% | game time
        • %spectators% | spectate players amount
        • %score% | shows your score
        • %kills% | shows your in game kills
        • %bow-state% | shows if the detective bow dropped or not
  • Stats
    • Stats system to save [Loses, Wins, Kills, Deaths]
  • Murder Ability
    • Throwing sword
  • Rewards
    • Custom win rewards per arena
  • Settings
    • Each arena has custom settings for the gameplay
  • Spectator compass
    • Custom spectate compass to teleport to in-game players
  • Language file
    • To translate all text in game
  • Signs
    • Simple and custom join signs
  • Tracker Compass
    • Track dropped bow
  • Different type of messages
    • Normal messages Title messages
    • ActionBar messages
    • Title messages
  • Bungee Games Option
    • Per server game
  • MySQL
    • Save player stats with MySQL
  • Corpses
    • Dead players on ground
  • Mystery Potions
    • Get in game random potions by clicking a specific block created by an admin
  • Map Voting For Bungee
    • If you have more than 1 Arena in bungee there will be a map voting
Player commands:
  • /murder the main command
  • /murder join <arena>
  • /murder leave
  • /murder stats
  • /murder stats <player>
  • /murder randomjoin | murder.randomjoin | Random arena join
  • /murder arenas | murder.arenas | shows arena select GUI

Admin commands: | Permission: murder.admin
  • /murder admin main command
  • /murder create <arena>
  • /murder remove <arena>
  • /murder setlobby
  • /murder setwait <arena>
  • /murder setspectate <arena>
  • /murder addspawn <arena> <number>
  • /murder addgold <arena> <number>
  • /murder start <arena>
  • /murder stop <arena>
  • /murder reload
  • /murder settime <arena> <seconds>
  • /murder addpotion <arena>
  • /murder removepotion <arena>
  • /murder setmin <arena> <number>
  • /murder setmurderamount <arena> <number>
  • /murder setdetectiveamount <arena> <number>


Multi Arena:-
  1. Set the main lobby (/murder setlobby)
  2. Create an arena using this command (/murder create <arena name>)
  3. Set the waiting lobby for the arena (/murder setwait <arena>)
  4. Add spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addspawn <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from number 0
  5. Add gold spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addgold <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from 0
  6. Set the spectator position (/murder setspectate <arena>)
  7. Set the time for the arena (/murder settime <arena> <seconds>)
  8. Add the potion stand (/murder addpotion <arena>) | Add potion for a target block for the arena


Enable bungee in config.yml
If you want direct join to the arena when you join the server just create one arena with the setup tutorial above.

If you want to have multi arenas for bungee server and map selector/votes
Create multiple arenas using the methods above and reload the server at the ending and all players should get an item to vote for the map requires (murder.vote) permission to vote for the map.

Mystery Potions:
When you create an arena you can add mystery potions using this command
/murder addpotion <arena> | it will be added on the target block
Using holographic displays to create a hologram above the potion machine
To create a mystery potion look at this example.

Code (Text):
type: SPEED
time: 10
name: '&bSpeed'
title: '&bSpeed'
subtitle: '&710S Of speed'
level: 1

Potion Name: Speed-Potion | it should not have spaces
Type: Speed
Time: 10 seconds
Displayname: &bSpeed
Title and subtitle on drink potion
level of the potion

To create more potions copy and paste the example and change the potion name.


Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

  • Test = arena name (rewards for arena test)
  • 0 reward number you can add more rewards like 0, 1, 2 random rewards if player win
  • remove test to make win rewards public for all arenas


Note: all variables in the signs are custom in messages.yml

Join specific arena sign:

Code (Text):

Join random arena sign:

Map Voting Menu:
When you have the map voting feature is enabled, you will get a default item when you join the server and when you click the item you will see the map voting menu, so the items in the GUI are default paper with maps names if you want to change the paper all you need to do in config.yml is going to a blank/white spot and add your arena name for example test and near it add the item ID and Sub ID, for example, this is config

Code (Text):
test: 35;14

So the item in GUI for arena test would be a red wool (35 means wool id) (14 red data)

API: Class name [MurderAPI].

Code (Text):


Arena a = Arenas.getArena(Player)
a. ctrl + space for methods

Main.api.setNonSql or SqlData (player, wins, loses, kills, score, deaths)..


Code (Text):
instant-explode: false
firework-height: 3
power: 1
type: BALL
flicker: false
trail: false
close-prepared-statements-after-updating-data: true
close-sql-statements-after: 5
do-not-edit: false
bungee: false
send-to-server-on-leave: false
update-data-on-game-end: false
update-data-on-server-stop: true
update-data-on-player-quit: true
update-data-on-player-leave-arena: true
mysql: false
lobby-server: lobby-server
host: localhost
port: '3306'
database: testdb
username: root
password: ''
remove-sword-after-time: 5
per-world-hide-player: false
- world
- world2

Code (Text):
enable-mystery-potions: true
spectate-with-gamemode-3: true
block-state-behind-signs: true
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-durability: 14
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-durability: 5
block-behind-sign-starting-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-starting-state-durability: 4
rejoin-interval: 3
murder-sword-remove-height: 2
throwing-sword-angle-rotation: 351
death-messages: true
prevent-gold-dropping-near-other-gold-players-radius: 3
- /test command
- world
- world
commands-whitelist: false
board-whitelist: false
arenas-inventory-size: 54
arenas-inventory-title: Arena List
arenas-lobby-state-item-id: 159
arenas-lobby-state-item-data: 5
arenas-lobby-state-item-name: '&a%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
frame-item-id: 160
frame-item-data: 15
arenas-starting-state-item-id: 159
arenas-starting-state-item-data: 4
arenas-starting-state-item-name: '&6%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
arenas-ingame-state-item-id: 159
arenas-ingame-state-item-data: 14
arenas-ingame-state-item-name: '&c%arena%'
- '&ePlayers: &7%players%/%max%'
- '&eState: &7%state%'
- '&eMap: &7%map%'
stats-board: true
no-fall-damage: true
tp-lobby-on-join: false
per-arena-chat: true
send-stats-message-on-leave: true
win-rewards: false
hero-rewards: false
lose-rewards: false
start-fireworks-on-players-location: true
show-potion-name-in-floating-item: true
score-on-kill: 10
score-on-gold: 5
time-until-game-start: 5
give-spectate-item-after-ticks: 5
stop-arena-after-win-time: 5
fireworks-ticks: 5
fireworks-time-in-ticks: 10
vote-time: 15
size: 36
name: Voting
map-displayname-in-gui-color: GREEN
map-item-lore: '&eVotes: &b%votes%'
vote-message: '&a[Murder] &eYou have voted for &b%map% &emap!'
bow-delay: true
bow-delay-seconds: 3
bow-pickup-radius: 2
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&d&lMAP SELECTOR'
item-lore: '&fClick here to select a map'
tracking-compass: true
time-to-give-tracker: 60
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lPLAYER TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTracks players'
range: 100
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&a&lBOW TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTrack bow location'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the arena!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the lobby!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the server!'
spectate-inventory-size: 18
spectate-inventory-title: Spectate Players
Spectate-Display-Name-Color: RED
Spectate-Display-Lore: '&fClick to teleport to that player!'
item-name: '&a&lSPECTATE'
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lREJOIN'
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
enable-sword-throw: true
throw-sword-damage-radius: 1
throw-sword-cooldown: 3
sword-throw-speed: 1
receive-sword-after: 10
item-id: 267
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&c&lKNIFE'
item-lore: '&fKill em all'
min-players-to-start-bungee: 3
countdown: 15
gold-drop-interval: 20
gold-amount-to-get-bow: 10
gold-amount-to-get-potion: 2
dropped-item-id: 266
enable-sounds: false
rejoin-option: true
scoreboard-update-interval: 10

Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

Code (Text):
arena-select-next-format: '&aNext Page ->'
arena-select-previous-format: '&c<- Previous Page'
potion-title: '&b%type% Potion!'
potion-subtitle: '&eFor %time% seconds!'
progress-bar-1: "&a\u2586"
progress-bar-2: "&c\u2586"
sword-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
sword-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your throwing sword again!'
throw-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for sword cooldown!'
bow-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for bow cooldown!'
bow-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
bow-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your bow again!'
stats-reset-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Could not reset stats, play games then you will
be able to reset stats!'
stats-reset-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eStats was reset successfully!'
bow-dropped: '&cThe bow is dropped'
bow-not-dropped: '&aThe bow is not dropped'
kick-message: '&cYou left the game.'
vote-scoreboard-title: '&aMap Voting'
scoreboard-map: '&e%map% &b(%votes%)'
voting-time-started: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eVoting time has been started, click the item
in your inventory and choose your favourite map!'
vote-win: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eMap &b%map% &ehas won the voting starting game soon...'
vote-error-perm: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough permissions to vote!'
vote-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The arena has been selected you are not allowed to
vote anymore!'
gold-reason: Pick Up Gold
kill-reason: Killed A Player
receive-score-message: '&6+&e%score% &6scores (%reason%)!'
spec-chat-prefix: '&eSPEC: &f'
murder-role: Murderer
detective-role: Detective
innocent-role: Innocent
dead-role: Dead
death-title: '&cYou died'
death-subtitle: '&eKilled by: &c%killer%'
murder-receive-sword-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The murderer has received his sword!'
bow-location-message: '&eBow location is on &b(%loc%) &efeet!'
near-player-location-message: '&bNearest Player &f%player% &bdistance &e(%distance%)
title-countdown: '&cStarting game in'
subtitle-countdown: '&e%time% &eseconds!'
you-are-murderer-title: '&cYou are the murderer!'
you-are-murderer-subtitle: '&fKill all the players!'
you-are-detective-title: '&bYou are the detective!'
you-are-detective-subtitle: '&fFind the murderer and kill him!'
you-have-bow-title: '&aYou have got a bow!'
you-have-bow-subtitle: '&fYou have +1 shot to kill the murderer!'
you-are-innocent-title: '&aYou are an innocent!'
you-are-innocent-subtitle: '&fCollect gold to have a chance to kill the murderer!'
countdown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts in %time% seconds!'
join-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You can''t join that arena because its already started!'
already-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are already in an arena!'
arena-full: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That arena is full!'
no-arenas: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7No arenas available at this time :/!'
player-join-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &e%player% &7has joined the game &b(%min%/%max%)&e!'
player-leave-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas left the game&7!'
ingame-motd: '&cIngame'
lobby-motd: '&aLobby'
starting-motd: '&cStarting'
voting-motd: '&dVoting'
game-soon-start-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts soon!'
cancel: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Starting has been cancelled due not enough players!'
not-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are not in arena!'
spectate-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now!'
spectate-message2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now do /murder leave to
lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eLobby has been set!'
death-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas died!'
detective-die: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe detective has died pick up his bow!'
arena-created-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-already-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena already exits!'
arena-remove-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-not-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Arena not exits!'
wait-lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eWait lobby has been set!'
add-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eAdded mystery potion block!'
remove-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eRemoved mystery potion block!'
potion-use-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7MysteryPotion is in use already!'
potion-use-error-2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough gold to use mystery
potion-use-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou have used a mystery potions!'
spectate-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSpectator position has been set!'
not-online: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That player is not online!'
add-spawn-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &ePlayer spawn added!'
add-gold-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eGold spawn added!'
lobby-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
wait-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
countdown-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
ingame-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
stats-scoreboard-title: '&aMurder Stats'
sign-header: '&aMurder'
game: '&eIngame'
sign-lobby: '&eLobby'
sign-starting: '&eStarting'
sign-arena: '&e%arena%'
players: '&emin/max'
auto-join-sign-line-1: '&aMurder'
auto-join-sign-line-2: '&7Click to join'
auto-join-sign-line-3: '&7Random Arena'
auto-join-sign-line-4: ''
pickup-bow: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSomeone has picked up the bow!'
- ''
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- ''
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- ''
- ''
- '&c&lMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&eMap: &f%map%'
- '&eTime: &f%time%'
- '&ePlayers Amount: &f%players%'
- '&eDate: &f%date%'
- '&eMurderers Amount: &f%mamount%'
- '&eDetetives Amount: &f%damount%'
- '&eInnocents Amount: &f%iamount%'
- '&f/murder &7| &eMain command'
- '&f/murder join <arena> &7| &eTo join an arena'
- '&f/murder leave &7| &eTo leave a game'
- '&f/murder stats &7| &eTo view your stats'
- '&f/murder stats <player> &7| &eTo see other players stats'
- '&f/murder randomjoin &7| &eTo join random arena'
- '&f/murder reset &7| &eTo reset your stats'
- '&f/murder admin &7| &eAdmin commands'
- '&f/murder about &7| &eAbout the plugin'
- '&aYour Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&a%player% Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cWaiting for players'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cStarting: &7%countdown%s'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&cDate: &7%date%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cTime: &7%time%'
- '&cInnocents left: &7%innocents%'
- '&cRole: &7%role%'
- '&cMap: &7%map%'
- '&r&r&r&r'
- '%bow-state%'
- '&cKills: &7%kills%'
- '&cScore: &7%score%'
- '&r&r&r&r&r'
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- ''
- '&6Kills: &e%kills%'
- '&6Deaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&6Loses: &e%loses%'
- '&6Wins: &e%wins%'
- '&6Score: &e%score%'
- ''
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &aPLAYERS'
- ''
- '&cMurderer: &e%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &cMURDERER'
- ''
- '&eMurderer: &c%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'

Optional Dependency:
Link Removed
In corpses reborn config change these values (on-death, looting-inventory) to false

And PlaceHolderAPI

Note if the game is not working:
Edit the win rewards or disable it, because in config there are win rewards for arena test and you are getting errors because there are no rewards for your arena, edit the sounds in settings.YAML because the sounds in it are 1.8 sounds you need to change them to 1.9+ sounds for example in config ORB_PICKUP to ENTITY_ORB_PICKUP (not sure) search in google for bukkit 1.9+ sounds

Tutorial: (Old Version)

Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed

Source : Link Removed
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Cordialement Niamorix


l'Actif 🥉
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15 Mars 2020


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Level 1

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15 Juin 2019


l'Affirmé 🥈
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1 Juillet 2018
This resource is for sale, source code and ownership pm me for details.

Beta Version

lien ou image supprimée

Before posting a bad review contact me let me help you to fix your issues.

If you don't have Paypal to buy murder mystery, and you want to purchase it with another payment method private message me.

Code (Text):
Junior1544: 40$

Servers: [Review the plugin with your server ip if you want it to be added here].
  • Play.Betacraft.Org
  • mc.meliminecraft.com | 1.12
  • blocksmc.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.skybattle.net | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.blazevortex.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • s1.oldcrafters.net


Murder Mystery is a simple and fun Minigame, 1 player is a Murderer and 1 player is a Detective and all the other players are Innocents, the detective and innocents should kill the murder before they get killed by him!

  • Murderer
    • The murder has a knife, his job is to kill everyone in the game to win if there are still innocent players alive when the timer runs out, the Innocents win, the murder can kill anyone with one hit!
  • Detective:

    • The Detective his job is defending the Innocents. After the game starts the Detective gets a bow with infinite arrows he should shoot the murder saving the Innocents and winning the game. if the detective killed the wrong person (not the murder) both of them will die and a bow will drop the next one who picks up the bow will be the detective and have a chance to kill the murder.
  • Innocents

    • All the rest of players are innocents their job is to hide and run to not get killed by the murder they have a chance to collect gold and get a bow to kill the murder if they hit someone else by accident (not the murder) both of them will die.

  • Easy to setup the game
    • Simple commands and ways to set up the game fast
  • Multi-arena support
    • You can create arenas as much as you want | you can create multiple worlds and create arenas in it
  • LeaderHeads Support
    • Show top players on armor stands, heads etc..
  • PlaceholderAPI support
    • You are able to use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders on every message sent by Murder plugin.
  • Efficient scoreboard system
    • There are 4 scoreboards
      • Countdown:
        • %countdown% countdown time
        • %max% max players in game
        • %size% online players in game
      • Stats:
        • %kills% shows number of kills
        • %deaths% shows number of deaths
        • %wins% shows number of wins
        • %loses% shows number of loses
        • %score% shows number of score
      • Lobby:
        • %min% number of online players in game
        • %max% max players in game
      • Ingame:
        • %date% | date
        • %innocents% | number of innocents alive
        • %role% | your role
        • %map% | map name
        • %time% | game time
        • %spectators% | spectate players amount
        • %score% | shows your score
        • %kills% | shows your in game kills
        • %bow-state% | shows if the detective bow dropped or not
  • Stats
    • Stats system to save [Loses, Wins, Kills, Deaths]
  • Murder Ability
    • Throwing sword
  • Rewards
    • Custom win rewards per arena
  • Settings
    • Each arena has custom settings for the gameplay
  • Spectator compass
    • Custom spectate compass to teleport to in-game players
  • Language file
    • To translate all text in game
  • Signs
    • Simple and custom join signs
  • Tracker Compass
    • Track dropped bow
  • Different type of messages
    • Normal messages Title messages
    • ActionBar messages
    • Title messages
  • Bungee Games Option
    • Per server game
  • MySQL
    • Save player stats with MySQL
  • Corpses
    • Dead players on ground
  • Mystery Potions
    • Get in game random potions by clicking a specific block created by an admin
  • Map Voting For Bungee
    • If you have more than 1 Arena in bungee there will be a map voting
Player commands:
  • /murder the main command
  • /murder join <arena>
  • /murder leave
  • /murder stats
  • /murder stats <player>
  • /murder randomjoin | murder.randomjoin | Random arena join
  • /murder arenas | murder.arenas | shows arena select GUI

Admin commands: | Permission: murder.admin
  • /murder admin main command
  • /murder create <arena>
  • /murder remove <arena>
  • /murder setlobby
  • /murder setwait <arena>
  • /murder setspectate <arena>
  • /murder addspawn <arena> <number>
  • /murder addgold <arena> <number>
  • /murder start <arena>
  • /murder stop <arena>
  • /murder reload
  • /murder settime <arena> <seconds>
  • /murder addpotion <arena>
  • /murder removepotion <arena>
  • /murder setmin <arena> <number>
  • /murder setmurderamount <arena> <number>
  • /murder setdetectiveamount <arena> <number>


Multi Arena:-
  1. Set the main lobby (/murder setlobby)
  2. Create an arena using this command (/murder create <arena name>)
  3. Set the waiting lobby for the arena (/murder setwait <arena>)
  4. Add spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addspawn <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from number 0
  5. Add gold spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addgold <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from 0
  6. Set the spectator position (/murder setspectate <arena>)
  7. Set the time for the arena (/murder settime <arena> <seconds>)
  8. Add the potion stand (/murder addpotion <arena>) | Add potion for a target block for the arena


Enable bungee in config.yml
If you want direct join to the arena when you join the server just create one arena with the setup tutorial above.

If you want to have multi arenas for bungee server and map selector/votes
Create multiple arenas using the methods above and reload the server at the ending and all players should get an item to vote for the map requires (murder.vote) permission to vote for the map.

Mystery Potions:
When you create an arena you can add mystery potions using this command
/murder addpotion <arena> | it will be added on the target block
Using holographic displays to create a hologram above the potion machine
To create a mystery potion look at this example.

Code (Text):
type: SPEED
time: 10
name: '&bSpeed'
title: '&bSpeed'
subtitle: '&710S Of speed'
level: 1

Potion Name: Speed-Potion | it should not have spaces
Type: Speed
Time: 10 seconds
Displayname: &bSpeed
Title and subtitle on drink potion
level of the potion

To create more potions copy and paste the example and change the potion name.


Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

  • Test = arena name (rewards for arena test)
  • 0 reward number you can add more rewards like 0, 1, 2 random rewards if player win
  • remove test to make win rewards public for all arenas


Note: all variables in the signs are custom in messages.yml

Join specific arena sign:

Code (Text):

Join random arena sign:

Map Voting Menu:
When you have the map voting feature is enabled, you will get a default item when you join the server and when you click the item you will see the map voting menu, so the items in the GUI are default paper with maps names if you want to change the paper all you need to do in config.yml is going to a blank/white spot and add your arena name for example test and near it add the item ID and Sub ID, for example, this is config

Code (Text):
test: 35;14

So the item in GUI for arena test would be a red wool (35 means wool id) (14 red data)

API: Class name [MurderAPI].

Code (Text):


Arena a = Arenas.getArena(Player)
a. ctrl + space for methods

Main.api.setNonSql or SqlData (player, wins, loses, kills, score, deaths)..


Code (Text):
instant-explode: false
firework-height: 3
power: 1
type: BALL
flicker: false
trail: false
close-prepared-statements-after-updating-data: true
close-sql-statements-after: 5
do-not-edit: false
bungee: false
send-to-server-on-leave: false
update-data-on-game-end: false
update-data-on-server-stop: true
update-data-on-player-quit: true
update-data-on-player-leave-arena: true
mysql: false
lobby-server: lobby-server
host: localhost
port: '3306'
database: testdb
username: root
password: ''
remove-sword-after-time: 5
per-world-hide-player: false
- world
- world2

Code (Text):
enable-mystery-potions: true
spectate-with-gamemode-3: true
block-state-behind-signs: true
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-durability: 14
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-durability: 5
block-behind-sign-starting-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-starting-state-durability: 4
rejoin-interval: 3
murder-sword-remove-height: 2
throwing-sword-angle-rotation: 351
death-messages: true
prevent-gold-dropping-near-other-gold-players-radius: 3
- /test command
- world
- world
commands-whitelist: false
board-whitelist: false
arenas-inventory-size: 54
arenas-inventory-title: Arena List
arenas-lobby-state-item-id: 159
arenas-lobby-state-item-data: 5
arenas-lobby-state-item-name: '&a%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
frame-item-id: 160
frame-item-data: 15
arenas-starting-state-item-id: 159
arenas-starting-state-item-data: 4
arenas-starting-state-item-name: '&6%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
arenas-ingame-state-item-id: 159
arenas-ingame-state-item-data: 14
arenas-ingame-state-item-name: '&c%arena%'
- '&ePlayers: &7%players%/%max%'
- '&eState: &7%state%'
- '&eMap: &7%map%'
stats-board: true
no-fall-damage: true
tp-lobby-on-join: false
per-arena-chat: true
send-stats-message-on-leave: true
win-rewards: false
hero-rewards: false
lose-rewards: false
start-fireworks-on-players-location: true
show-potion-name-in-floating-item: true
score-on-kill: 10
score-on-gold: 5
time-until-game-start: 5
give-spectate-item-after-ticks: 5
stop-arena-after-win-time: 5
fireworks-ticks: 5
fireworks-time-in-ticks: 10
vote-time: 15
size: 36
name: Voting
map-displayname-in-gui-color: GREEN
map-item-lore: '&eVotes: &b%votes%'
vote-message: '&a[Murder] &eYou have voted for &b%map% &emap!'
bow-delay: true
bow-delay-seconds: 3
bow-pickup-radius: 2
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&d&lMAP SELECTOR'
item-lore: '&fClick here to select a map'
tracking-compass: true
time-to-give-tracker: 60
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lPLAYER TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTracks players'
range: 100
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&a&lBOW TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTrack bow location'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the arena!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the lobby!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the server!'
spectate-inventory-size: 18
spectate-inventory-title: Spectate Players
Spectate-Display-Name-Color: RED
Spectate-Display-Lore: '&fClick to teleport to that player!'
item-name: '&a&lSPECTATE'
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lREJOIN'
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
enable-sword-throw: true
throw-sword-damage-radius: 1
throw-sword-cooldown: 3
sword-throw-speed: 1
receive-sword-after: 10
item-id: 267
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&c&lKNIFE'
item-lore: '&fKill em all'
min-players-to-start-bungee: 3
countdown: 15
gold-drop-interval: 20
gold-amount-to-get-bow: 10
gold-amount-to-get-potion: 2
dropped-item-id: 266
enable-sounds: false
rejoin-option: true
scoreboard-update-interval: 10

Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

Code (Text):
arena-select-next-format: '&aNext Page ->'
arena-select-previous-format: '&c<- Previous Page'
potion-title: '&b%type% Potion!'
potion-subtitle: '&eFor %time% seconds!'
progress-bar-1: "&a\u2586"
progress-bar-2: "&c\u2586"
sword-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
sword-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your throwing sword again!'
throw-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for sword cooldown!'
bow-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for bow cooldown!'
bow-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
bow-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your bow again!'
stats-reset-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Could not reset stats, play games then you will
be able to reset stats!'
stats-reset-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eStats was reset successfully!'
bow-dropped: '&cThe bow is dropped'
bow-not-dropped: '&aThe bow is not dropped'
kick-message: '&cYou left the game.'
vote-scoreboard-title: '&aMap Voting'
scoreboard-map: '&e%map% &b(%votes%)'
voting-time-started: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eVoting time has been started, click the item
in your inventory and choose your favourite map!'
vote-win: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eMap &b%map% &ehas won the voting starting game soon...'
vote-error-perm: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough permissions to vote!'
vote-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The arena has been selected you are not allowed to
vote anymore!'
gold-reason: Pick Up Gold
kill-reason: Killed A Player
receive-score-message: '&6+&e%score% &6scores (%reason%)!'
spec-chat-prefix: '&eSPEC: &f'
murder-role: Murderer
detective-role: Detective
innocent-role: Innocent
dead-role: Dead
death-title: '&cYou died'
death-subtitle: '&eKilled by: &c%killer%'
murder-receive-sword-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The murderer has received his sword!'
bow-location-message: '&eBow location is on &b(%loc%) &efeet!'
near-player-location-message: '&bNearest Player &f%player% &bdistance &e(%distance%)
title-countdown: '&cStarting game in'
subtitle-countdown: '&e%time% &eseconds!'
you-are-murderer-title: '&cYou are the murderer!'
you-are-murderer-subtitle: '&fKill all the players!'
you-are-detective-title: '&bYou are the detective!'
you-are-detective-subtitle: '&fFind the murderer and kill him!'
you-have-bow-title: '&aYou have got a bow!'
you-have-bow-subtitle: '&fYou have +1 shot to kill the murderer!'
you-are-innocent-title: '&aYou are an innocent!'
you-are-innocent-subtitle: '&fCollect gold to have a chance to kill the murderer!'
countdown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts in %time% seconds!'
join-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You can''t join that arena because its already started!'
already-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are already in an arena!'
arena-full: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That arena is full!'
no-arenas: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7No arenas available at this time :/!'
player-join-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &e%player% &7has joined the game &b(%min%/%max%)&e!'
player-leave-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas left the game&7!'
ingame-motd: '&cIngame'
lobby-motd: '&aLobby'
starting-motd: '&cStarting'
voting-motd: '&dVoting'
game-soon-start-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts soon!'
cancel: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Starting has been cancelled due not enough players!'
not-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are not in arena!'
spectate-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now!'
spectate-message2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now do /murder leave to
lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eLobby has been set!'
death-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas died!'
detective-die: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe detective has died pick up his bow!'
arena-created-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-already-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena already exits!'
arena-remove-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-not-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Arena not exits!'
wait-lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eWait lobby has been set!'
add-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eAdded mystery potion block!'
remove-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eRemoved mystery potion block!'
potion-use-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7MysteryPotion is in use already!'
potion-use-error-2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough gold to use mystery
potion-use-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou have used a mystery potions!'
spectate-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSpectator position has been set!'
not-online: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That player is not online!'
add-spawn-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &ePlayer spawn added!'
add-gold-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eGold spawn added!'
lobby-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
wait-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
countdown-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
ingame-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
stats-scoreboard-title: '&aMurder Stats'
sign-header: '&aMurder'
game: '&eIngame'
sign-lobby: '&eLobby'
sign-starting: '&eStarting'
sign-arena: '&e%arena%'
players: '&emin/max'
auto-join-sign-line-1: '&aMurder'
auto-join-sign-line-2: '&7Click to join'
auto-join-sign-line-3: '&7Random Arena'
auto-join-sign-line-4: ''
pickup-bow: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSomeone has picked up the bow!'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '&c&lMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&eMap: &f%map%'
- '&eTime: &f%time%'
- '&ePlayers Amount: &f%players%'
- '&eDate: &f%date%'
- '&eMurderers Amount: &f%mamount%'
- '&eDetetives Amount: &f%damount%'
- '&eInnocents Amount: &f%iamount%'
- '&f/murder &7| &eMain command'
- '&f/murder join <arena> &7| &eTo join an arena'
- '&f/murder leave &7| &eTo leave a game'
- '&f/murder stats &7| &eTo view your stats'
- '&f/murder stats <player> &7| &eTo see other players stats'
- '&f/murder randomjoin &7| &eTo join random arena'
- '&f/murder reset &7| &eTo reset your stats'
- '&f/murder admin &7| &eAdmin commands'
- '&f/murder about &7| &eAbout the plugin'
- '&aYour Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&a%player% Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cWaiting for players'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cStarting: &7%countdown%s'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&cDate: &7%date%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cTime: &7%time%'
- '&cInnocents left: &7%innocents%'
- '&cRole: &7%role%'
- '&cMap: &7%map%'
- '&r&r&r&r'
- '%bow-state%'
- '&cKills: &7%kills%'
- '&cScore: &7%score%'
- '&r&r&r&r&r'
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- ''
- '&6Kills: &e%kills%'
- '&6Deaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&6Loses: &e%loses%'
- '&6Wins: &e%wins%'
- '&6Score: &e%score%'
- ''
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &aPLAYERS'
- ''
- '&cMurderer: &e%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &cMURDERER'
- ''
- '&eMurderer: &c%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'

Optional Dependency:
lien ou image supprimée
In corpses reborn config change these values (on-death, looting-inventory) to false

And PlaceHolderAPI

Note if the game is not working:
Edit the win rewards or disable it, because in config there are win rewards for arena test and you are getting errors because there are no rewards for your arena, edit the sounds in settings.YAML because the sounds in it are 1.8 sounds you need to change them to 1.9+ sounds for example in config ORB_PICKUP to ENTITY_ORB_PICKUP (not sure) search in google for bukkit 1.9+ sounds

Tutorial: (Old Version)

lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée lien ou image supprimée

Source : lien ou image supprimée
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

30 Décembre 2018
This resource is for sale, source code and ownership pm me for details.

Beta Version


Before posting a bad review contact me let me help you to fix your issues.

If you don't have Paypal to buy murder mystery, and you want to purchase it with another payment method private message me.

Code (Text):
Junior1544: 40$

Servers: [Review the plugin with your server ip if you want it to be added here].
  • Play.Betacraft.Org
  • mc.meliminecraft.com | 1.12
  • blocksmc.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.skybattle.net | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.blazevortex.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • s1.oldcrafters.net


Murder Mystery is a simple and fun Minigame, 1 player is a Murderer and 1 player is a Detective and all the other players are Innocents, the detective and innocents should kill the murder before they get killed by him!

  • Murderer
    • The murder has a knife, his job is to kill everyone in the game to win if there are still innocent players alive when the timer runs out, the Innocents win, the murder can kill anyone with one hit!
  • Detective:

    • The Detective his job is defending the Innocents. After the game starts the Detective gets a bow with infinite arrows he should shoot the murder saving the Innocents and winning the game. if the detective killed the wrong person (not the murder) both of them will die and a bow will drop the next one who picks up the bow will be the detective and have a chance to kill the murder.
  • Innocents

    • All the rest of players are innocents their job is to hide and run to not get killed by the murder they have a chance to collect gold and get a bow to kill the murder if they hit someone else by accident (not the murder) both of them will die.

  • Easy to setup the game
    • Simple commands and ways to set up the game fast
  • Multi-arena support
    • You can create arenas as much as you want | you can create multiple worlds and create arenas in it
  • LeaderHeads Support
    • Show top players on armor stands, heads etc..
  • PlaceholderAPI support
    • You are able to use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders on every message sent by Murder plugin.
  • Efficient scoreboard system
    • There are 4 scoreboards
      • Countdown:
        • %countdown% countdown time
        • %max% max players in game
        • %size% online players in game
      • Stats:
        • %kills% shows number of kills
        • %deaths% shows number of deaths
        • %wins% shows number of wins
        • %loses% shows number of loses
        • %score% shows number of score
      • Lobby:
        • %min% number of online players in game
        • %max% max players in game
      • Ingame:
        • %date% | date
        • %innocents% | number of innocents alive
        • %role% | your role
        • %map% | map name
        • %time% | game time
        • %spectators% | spectate players amount
        • %score% | shows your score
        • %kills% | shows your in game kills
        • %bow-state% | shows if the detective bow dropped or not
  • Stats
    • Stats system to save [Loses, Wins, Kills, Deaths]
  • Murder Ability
    • Throwing sword
  • Rewards
    • Custom win rewards per arena
  • Settings
    • Each arena has custom settings for the gameplay
  • Spectator compass
    • Custom spectate compass to teleport to in-game players
  • Language file
    • To translate all text in game
  • Signs
    • Simple and custom join signs
  • Tracker Compass
    • Track dropped bow
  • Different type of messages
    • Normal messages Title messages
    • ActionBar messages
    • Title messages
  • Bungee Games Option
    • Per server game
  • MySQL
    • Save player stats with MySQL
  • Corpses
    • Dead players on ground
  • Mystery Potions
    • Get in game random potions by clicking a specific block created by an admin
  • Map Voting For Bungee
    • If you have more than 1 Arena in bungee there will be a map voting
Player commands:
  • /murder the main command
  • /murder join <arena>
  • /murder leave
  • /murder stats
  • /murder stats <player>
  • /murder randomjoin | murder.randomjoin | Random arena join
  • /murder arenas | murder.arenas | shows arena select GUI

Admin commands: | Permission: murder.admin
  • /murder admin main command
  • /murder create <arena>
  • /murder remove <arena>
  • /murder setlobby
  • /murder setwait <arena>
  • /murder setspectate <arena>
  • /murder addspawn <arena> <number>
  • /murder addgold <arena> <number>
  • /murder start <arena>
  • /murder stop <arena>
  • /murder reload
  • /murder settime <arena> <seconds>
  • /murder addpotion <arena>
  • /murder removepotion <arena>
  • /murder setmin <arena> <number>
  • /murder setmurderamount <arena> <number>
  • /murder setdetectiveamount <arena> <number>


Multi Arena:-
  1. Set the main lobby (/murder setlobby)
  2. Create an arena using this command (/murder create <arena name>)
  3. Set the waiting lobby for the arena (/murder setwait <arena>)
  4. Add spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addspawn <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from number 0
  5. Add gold spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addgold <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from 0
  6. Set the spectator position (/murder setspectate <arena>)
  7. Set the time for the arena (/murder settime <arena> <seconds>)
  8. Add the potion stand (/murder addpotion <arena>) | Add potion for a target block for the arena


Enable bungee in config.yml
If you want direct join to the arena when you join the server just create one arena with the setup tutorial above.

If you want to have multi arenas for bungee server and map selector/votes
Create multiple arenas using the methods above and reload the server at the ending and all players should get an item to vote for the map requires (murder.vote) permission to vote for the map.

Mystery Potions:
When you create an arena you can add mystery potions using this command
/murder addpotion <arena> | it will be added on the target block
Using holographic displays to create a hologram above the potion machine
To create a mystery potion look at this example.

Code (Text):
type: SPEED
time: 10
name: '&bSpeed'
title: '&bSpeed'
subtitle: '&710S Of speed'
level: 1

Potion Name: Speed-Potion | it should not have spaces
Type: Speed
Time: 10 seconds
Displayname: &bSpeed
Title and subtitle on drink potion
level of the potion

To create more potions copy and paste the example and change the potion name.


Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

  • Test = arena name (rewards for arena test)
  • 0 reward number you can add more rewards like 0, 1, 2 random rewards if player win
  • remove test to make win rewards public for all arenas


Note: all variables in the signs are custom in messages.yml

Join specific arena sign:

Code (Text):

Join random arena sign:

Map Voting Menu:
When you have the map voting feature is enabled, you will get a default item when you join the server and when you click the item you will see the map voting menu, so the items in the GUI are default paper with maps names if you want to change the paper all you need to do in config.yml is going to a blank/white spot and add your arena name for example test and near it add the item ID and Sub ID, for example, this is config

Code (Text):
test: 35;14

So the item in GUI for arena test would be a red wool (35 means wool id) (14 red data)

API: Class name [MurderAPI].

Code (Text):


Arena a = Arenas.getArena(Player)
a. ctrl + space for methods

Main.api.setNonSql or SqlData (player, wins, loses, kills, score, deaths)..


Code (Text):
instant-explode: false
firework-height: 3
power: 1
type: BALL
flicker: false
trail: false
close-prepared-statements-after-updating-data: true
close-sql-statements-after: 5
do-not-edit: false
bungee: false
send-to-server-on-leave: false
update-data-on-game-end: false
update-data-on-server-stop: true
update-data-on-player-quit: true
update-data-on-player-leave-arena: true
mysql: false
lobby-server: lobby-server
host: localhost
port: '3306'
database: testdb
username: root
password: ''
remove-sword-after-time: 5
per-world-hide-player: false
- world
- world2

Code (Text):
enable-mystery-potions: true
spectate-with-gamemode-3: true
block-state-behind-signs: true
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-durability: 14
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-durability: 5
block-behind-sign-starting-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-starting-state-durability: 4
rejoin-interval: 3
murder-sword-remove-height: 2
throwing-sword-angle-rotation: 351
death-messages: true
prevent-gold-dropping-near-other-gold-players-radius: 3
- /test command
- world
- world
commands-whitelist: false
board-whitelist: false
arenas-inventory-size: 54
arenas-inventory-title: Arena List
arenas-lobby-state-item-id: 159
arenas-lobby-state-item-data: 5
arenas-lobby-state-item-name: '&a%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
frame-item-id: 160
frame-item-data: 15
arenas-starting-state-item-id: 159
arenas-starting-state-item-data: 4
arenas-starting-state-item-name: '&6%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
arenas-ingame-state-item-id: 159
arenas-ingame-state-item-data: 14
arenas-ingame-state-item-name: '&c%arena%'
- '&ePlayers: &7%players%/%max%'
- '&eState: &7%state%'
- '&eMap: &7%map%'
stats-board: true
no-fall-damage: true
tp-lobby-on-join: false
per-arena-chat: true
send-stats-message-on-leave: true
win-rewards: false
hero-rewards: false
lose-rewards: false
start-fireworks-on-players-location: true
show-potion-name-in-floating-item: true
score-on-kill: 10
score-on-gold: 5
time-until-game-start: 5
give-spectate-item-after-ticks: 5
stop-arena-after-win-time: 5
fireworks-ticks: 5
fireworks-time-in-ticks: 10
vote-time: 15
size: 36
name: Voting
map-displayname-in-gui-color: GREEN
map-item-lore: '&eVotes: &b%votes%'
vote-message: '&a[Murder] &eYou have voted for &b%map% &emap!'
bow-delay: true
bow-delay-seconds: 3
bow-pickup-radius: 2
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&d&lMAP SELECTOR'
item-lore: '&fClick here to select a map'
tracking-compass: true
time-to-give-tracker: 60
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lPLAYER TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTracks players'
range: 100
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&a&lBOW TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTrack bow location'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the arena!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the lobby!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the server!'
spectate-inventory-size: 18
spectate-inventory-title: Spectate Players
Spectate-Display-Name-Color: RED
Spectate-Display-Lore: '&fClick to teleport to that player!'
item-name: '&a&lSPECTATE'
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lREJOIN'
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
enable-sword-throw: true
throw-sword-damage-radius: 1
throw-sword-cooldown: 3
sword-throw-speed: 1
receive-sword-after: 10
item-id: 267
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&c&lKNIFE'
item-lore: '&fKill em all'
min-players-to-start-bungee: 3
countdown: 15
gold-drop-interval: 20
gold-amount-to-get-bow: 10
gold-amount-to-get-potion: 2
dropped-item-id: 266
enable-sounds: false
rejoin-option: true
scoreboard-update-interval: 10

Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

Code (Text):
arena-select-next-format: '&aNext Page ->'
arena-select-previous-format: '&c<- Previous Page'
potion-title: '&b%type% Potion!'
potion-subtitle: '&eFor %time% seconds!'
progress-bar-1: "&a\u2586"
progress-bar-2: "&c\u2586"
sword-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
sword-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your throwing sword again!'
throw-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for sword cooldown!'
bow-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for bow cooldown!'
bow-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
bow-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your bow again!'
stats-reset-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Could not reset stats, play games then you will
be able to reset stats!'
stats-reset-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eStats was reset successfully!'
bow-dropped: '&cThe bow is dropped'
bow-not-dropped: '&aThe bow is not dropped'
kick-message: '&cYou left the game.'
vote-scoreboard-title: '&aMap Voting'
scoreboard-map: '&e%map% &b(%votes%)'
voting-time-started: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eVoting time has been started, click the item
in your inventory and choose your favourite map!'
vote-win: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eMap &b%map% &ehas won the voting starting game soon...'
vote-error-perm: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough permissions to vote!'
vote-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The arena has been selected you are not allowed to
vote anymore!'
gold-reason: Pick Up Gold
kill-reason: Killed A Player
receive-score-message: '&6+&e%score% &6scores (%reason%)!'
spec-chat-prefix: '&eSPEC: &f'
murder-role: Murderer
detective-role: Detective
innocent-role: Innocent
dead-role: Dead
death-title: '&cYou died'
death-subtitle: '&eKilled by: &c%killer%'
murder-receive-sword-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The murderer has received his sword!'
bow-location-message: '&eBow location is on &b(%loc%) &efeet!'
near-player-location-message: '&bNearest Player &f%player% &bdistance &e(%distance%)
title-countdown: '&cStarting game in'
subtitle-countdown: '&e%time% &eseconds!'
you-are-murderer-title: '&cYou are the murderer!'
you-are-murderer-subtitle: '&fKill all the players!'
you-are-detective-title: '&bYou are the detective!'
you-are-detective-subtitle: '&fFind the murderer and kill him!'
you-have-bow-title: '&aYou have got a bow!'
you-have-bow-subtitle: '&fYou have +1 shot to kill the murderer!'
you-are-innocent-title: '&aYou are an innocent!'
you-are-innocent-subtitle: '&fCollect gold to have a chance to kill the murderer!'
countdown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts in %time% seconds!'
join-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You can''t join that arena because its already started!'
already-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are already in an arena!'
arena-full: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That arena is full!'
no-arenas: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7No arenas available at this time :/!'
player-join-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &e%player% &7has joined the game &b(%min%/%max%)&e!'
player-leave-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas left the game&7!'
ingame-motd: '&cIngame'
lobby-motd: '&aLobby'
starting-motd: '&cStarting'
voting-motd: '&dVoting'
game-soon-start-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts soon!'
cancel: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Starting has been cancelled due not enough players!'
not-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are not in arena!'
spectate-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now!'
spectate-message2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now do /murder leave to
lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eLobby has been set!'
death-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas died!'
detective-die: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe detective has died pick up his bow!'
arena-created-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-already-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena already exits!'
arena-remove-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-not-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Arena not exits!'
wait-lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eWait lobby has been set!'
add-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eAdded mystery potion block!'
remove-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eRemoved mystery potion block!'
potion-use-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7MysteryPotion is in use already!'
potion-use-error-2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough gold to use mystery
potion-use-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou have used a mystery potions!'
spectate-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSpectator position has been set!'
not-online: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That player is not online!'
add-spawn-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &ePlayer spawn added!'
add-gold-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eGold spawn added!'
lobby-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
wait-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
countdown-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
ingame-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
stats-scoreboard-title: '&aMurder Stats'
sign-header: '&aMurder'
game: '&eIngame'
sign-lobby: '&eLobby'
sign-starting: '&eStarting'
sign-arena: '&e%arena%'
players: '&emin/max'
auto-join-sign-line-1: '&aMurder'
auto-join-sign-line-2: '&7Click to join'
auto-join-sign-line-3: '&7Random Arena'
auto-join-sign-line-4: ''
pickup-bow: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSomeone has picked up the bow!'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '&c&lMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&eMap: &f%map%'
- '&eTime: &f%time%'
- '&ePlayers Amount: &f%players%'
- '&eDate: &f%date%'
- '&eMurderers Amount: &f%mamount%'
- '&eDetetives Amount: &f%damount%'
- '&eInnocents Amount: &f%iamount%'
- '&f/murder &7| &eMain command'
- '&f/murder join <arena> &7| &eTo join an arena'
- '&f/murder leave &7| &eTo leave a game'
- '&f/murder stats &7| &eTo view your stats'
- '&f/murder stats <player> &7| &eTo see other players stats'
- '&f/murder randomjoin &7| &eTo join random arena'
- '&f/murder reset &7| &eTo reset your stats'
- '&f/murder admin &7| &eAdmin commands'
- '&f/murder about &7| &eAbout the plugin'
- '&aYour Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&a%player% Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cWaiting for players'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cStarting: &7%countdown%s'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&cDate: &7%date%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cTime: &7%time%'
- '&cInnocents left: &7%innocents%'
- '&cRole: &7%role%'
- '&cMap: &7%map%'
- '&r&r&r&r'
- '%bow-state%'
- '&cKills: &7%kills%'
- '&cScore: &7%score%'
- '&r&r&r&r&r'
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- ''
- '&6Kills: &e%kills%'
- '&6Deaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&6Loses: &e%loses%'
- '&6Wins: &e%wins%'
- '&6Score: &e%score%'
- ''
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &aPLAYERS'
- ''
- '&cMurderer: &e%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &cMURDERER'
- ''
- '&eMurderer: &c%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'

Optional Dependency:
In corpses reborn config change these values (on-death, looting-inventory) to false

And PlaceHolderAPI

Note if the game is not working:
Edit the win rewards or disable it, because in config there are win rewards for arena test and you are getting errors because there are no rewards for your arena, edit the sounds in settings.YAML because the sounds in it are 1.8 sounds you need to change them to 1.9+ sounds for example in config ORB_PICKUP to ENTITY_ORB_PICKUP (not sure) search in google for bukkit 1.9+ sounds

Tutorial: (Old Version)


Source : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...na-mysql-support-source-code-available.36894/
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

12 Février 2021
This resource is for sale, source code and ownership pm me for details.

Beta Version


Before posting a bad review contact me let me help you to fix your issues.

If you don't have Paypal to buy murder mystery, and you want to purchase it with another payment method private message me.

Code (Text):
Junior1544: 40$

Servers: [Review the plugin with your server ip if you want it to be added here].
  • Play.Betacraft.Org
  • mc.meliminecraft.com | 1.12
  • blocksmc.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.skybattle.net | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.blazevortex.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • s1.oldcrafters.net


Murder Mystery is a simple and fun Minigame, 1 player is a Murderer and 1 player is a Detective and all the other players are Innocents, the detective and innocents should kill the murder before they get killed by him!

  • Murderer
    • The murder has a knife, his job is to kill everyone in the game to win if there are still innocent players alive when the timer runs out, the Innocents win, the murder can kill anyone with one hit!
  • Detective:

    • The Detective his job is defending the Innocents. After the game starts the Detective gets a bow with infinite arrows he should shoot the murder saving the Innocents and winning the game. if the detective killed the wrong person (not the murder) both of them will die and a bow will drop the next one who picks up the bow will be the detective and have a chance to kill the murder.
  • Innocents

    • All the rest of players are innocents their job is to hide and run to not get killed by the murder they have a chance to collect gold and get a bow to kill the murder if they hit someone else by accident (not the murder) both of them will die.

  • Easy to setup the game
    • Simple commands and ways to set up the game fast
  • Multi-arena support
    • You can create arenas as much as you want | you can create multiple worlds and create arenas in it
  • LeaderHeads Support
    • Show top players on armor stands, heads etc..
  • PlaceholderAPI support
    • You are able to use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders on every message sent by Murder plugin.
  • Efficient scoreboard system
    • There are 4 scoreboards
      • Countdown:
        • %countdown% countdown time
        • %max% max players in game
        • %size% online players in game
      • Stats:
        • %kills% shows number of kills
        • %deaths% shows number of deaths
        • %wins% shows number of wins
        • %loses% shows number of loses
        • %score% shows number of score
      • Lobby:
        • %min% number of online players in game
        • %max% max players in game
      • Ingame:
        • %date% | date
        • %innocents% | number of innocents alive
        • %role% | your role
        • %map% | map name
        • %time% | game time
        • %spectators% | spectate players amount
        • %score% | shows your score
        • %kills% | shows your in game kills
        • %bow-state% | shows if the detective bow dropped or not
  • Stats
    • Stats system to save [Loses, Wins, Kills, Deaths]
  • Murder Ability
    • Throwing sword
  • Rewards
    • Custom win rewards per arena
  • Settings
    • Each arena has custom settings for the gameplay
  • Spectator compass
    • Custom spectate compass to teleport to in-game players
  • Language file
    • To translate all text in game
  • Signs
    • Simple and custom join signs
  • Tracker Compass
    • Track dropped bow
  • Different type of messages
    • Normal messages Title messages
    • ActionBar messages
    • Title messages
  • Bungee Games Option
    • Per server game
  • MySQL
    • Save player stats with MySQL
  • Corpses
    • Dead players on ground
  • Mystery Potions
    • Get in game random potions by clicking a specific block created by an admin
  • Map Voting For Bungee
    • If you have more than 1 Arena in bungee there will be a map voting
Player commands:
  • /murder the main command
  • /murder join <arena>
  • /murder leave
  • /murder stats
  • /murder stats <player>
  • /murder randomjoin | murder.randomjoin | Random arena join
  • /murder arenas | murder.arenas | shows arena select GUI

Admin commands: | Permission: murder.admin
  • /murder admin main command
  • /murder create <arena>
  • /murder remove <arena>
  • /murder setlobby
  • /murder setwait <arena>
  • /murder setspectate <arena>
  • /murder addspawn <arena> <number>
  • /murder addgold <arena> <number>
  • /murder start <arena>
  • /murder stop <arena>
  • /murder reload
  • /murder settime <arena> <seconds>
  • /murder addpotion <arena>
  • /murder removepotion <arena>
  • /murder setmin <arena> <number>
  • /murder setmurderamount <arena> <number>
  • /murder setdetectiveamount <arena> <number>


Multi Arena:-
  1. Set the main lobby (/murder setlobby)
  2. Create an arena using this command (/murder create <arena name>)
  3. Set the waiting lobby for the arena (/murder setwait <arena>)
  4. Add spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addspawn <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from number 0
  5. Add gold spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addgold <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from 0
  6. Set the spectator position (/murder setspectate <arena>)
  7. Set the time for the arena (/murder settime <arena> <seconds>)
  8. Add the potion stand (/murder addpotion <arena>) | Add potion for a target block for the arena


Enable bungee in config.yml
If you want direct join to the arena when you join the server just create one arena with the setup tutorial above.

If you want to have multi arenas for bungee server and map selector/votes
Create multiple arenas using the methods above and reload the server at the ending and all players should get an item to vote for the map requires (murder.vote) permission to vote for the map.

Mystery Potions:
When you create an arena you can add mystery potions using this command
/murder addpotion <arena> | it will be added on the target block
Using holographic displays to create a hologram above the potion machine
To create a mystery potion look at this example.

Code (Text):
type: SPEED
time: 10
name: '&bSpeed'
title: '&bSpeed'
subtitle: '&710S Of speed'
level: 1

Potion Name: Speed-Potion | it should not have spaces
Type: Speed
Time: 10 seconds
Displayname: &bSpeed
Title and subtitle on drink potion
level of the potion

To create more potions copy and paste the example and change the potion name.


Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

  • Test = arena name (rewards for arena test)
  • 0 reward number you can add more rewards like 0, 1, 2 random rewards if player win
  • remove test to make win rewards public for all arenas


Note: all variables in the signs are custom in messages.yml

Join specific arena sign:

Code (Text):

Join random arena sign:

Map Voting Menu:
When you have the map voting feature is enabled, you will get a default item when you join the server and when you click the item you will see the map voting menu, so the items in the GUI are default paper with maps names if you want to change the paper all you need to do in config.yml is going to a blank/white spot and add your arena name for example test and near it add the item ID and Sub ID, for example, this is config

Code (Text):
test: 35;14

So the item in GUI for arena test would be a red wool (35 means wool id) (14 red data)

API: Class name [MurderAPI].

Code (Text):


Arena a = Arenas.getArena(Player)
a. ctrl + space for methods

Main.api.setNonSql or SqlData (player, wins, loses, kills, score, deaths)..


Code (Text):
instant-explode: false
firework-height: 3
power: 1
type: BALL
flicker: false
trail: false
close-prepared-statements-after-updating-data: true
close-sql-statements-after: 5
do-not-edit: false
bungee: false
send-to-server-on-leave: false
update-data-on-game-end: false
update-data-on-server-stop: true
update-data-on-player-quit: true
update-data-on-player-leave-arena: true
mysql: false
lobby-server: lobby-server
host: localhost
port: '3306'
database: testdb
username: root
password: ''
remove-sword-after-time: 5
per-world-hide-player: false
- world
- world2

Code (Text):
enable-mystery-potions: true
spectate-with-gamemode-3: true
block-state-behind-signs: true
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-durability: 14
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-durability: 5
block-behind-sign-starting-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-starting-state-durability: 4
rejoin-interval: 3
murder-sword-remove-height: 2
throwing-sword-angle-rotation: 351
death-messages: true
prevent-gold-dropping-near-other-gold-players-radius: 3
- /test command
- world
- world
commands-whitelist: false
board-whitelist: false
arenas-inventory-size: 54
arenas-inventory-title: Arena List
arenas-lobby-state-item-id: 159
arenas-lobby-state-item-data: 5
arenas-lobby-state-item-name: '&a%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
frame-item-id: 160
frame-item-data: 15
arenas-starting-state-item-id: 159
arenas-starting-state-item-data: 4
arenas-starting-state-item-name: '&6%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
arenas-ingame-state-item-id: 159
arenas-ingame-state-item-data: 14
arenas-ingame-state-item-name: '&c%arena%'
- '&ePlayers: &7%players%/%max%'
- '&eState: &7%state%'
- '&eMap: &7%map%'
stats-board: true
no-fall-damage: true
tp-lobby-on-join: false
per-arena-chat: true
send-stats-message-on-leave: true
win-rewards: false
hero-rewards: false
lose-rewards: false
start-fireworks-on-players-location: true
show-potion-name-in-floating-item: true
score-on-kill: 10
score-on-gold: 5
time-until-game-start: 5
give-spectate-item-after-ticks: 5
stop-arena-after-win-time: 5
fireworks-ticks: 5
fireworks-time-in-ticks: 10
vote-time: 15
size: 36
name: Voting
map-displayname-in-gui-color: GREEN
map-item-lore: '&eVotes: &b%votes%'
vote-message: '&a[Murder] &eYou have voted for &b%map% &emap!'
bow-delay: true
bow-delay-seconds: 3
bow-pickup-radius: 2
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&d&lMAP SELECTOR'
item-lore: '&fClick here to select a map'
tracking-compass: true
time-to-give-tracker: 60
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lPLAYER TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTracks players'
range: 100
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&a&lBOW TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTrack bow location'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the arena!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the lobby!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the server!'
spectate-inventory-size: 18
spectate-inventory-title: Spectate Players
Spectate-Display-Name-Color: RED
Spectate-Display-Lore: '&fClick to teleport to that player!'
item-name: '&a&lSPECTATE'
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lREJOIN'
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
enable-sword-throw: true
throw-sword-damage-radius: 1
throw-sword-cooldown: 3
sword-throw-speed: 1
receive-sword-after: 10
item-id: 267
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&c&lKNIFE'
item-lore: '&fKill em all'
min-players-to-start-bungee: 3
countdown: 15
gold-drop-interval: 20
gold-amount-to-get-bow: 10
gold-amount-to-get-potion: 2
dropped-item-id: 266
enable-sounds: false
rejoin-option: true
scoreboard-update-interval: 10

Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

Code (Text):
arena-select-next-format: '&aNext Page ->'
arena-select-previous-format: '&c<- Previous Page'
potion-title: '&b%type% Potion!'
potion-subtitle: '&eFor %time% seconds!'
progress-bar-1: "&a\u2586"
progress-bar-2: "&c\u2586"
sword-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
sword-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your throwing sword again!'
throw-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for sword cooldown!'
bow-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for bow cooldown!'
bow-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
bow-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your bow again!'
stats-reset-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Could not reset stats, play games then you will
be able to reset stats!'
stats-reset-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eStats was reset successfully!'
bow-dropped: '&cThe bow is dropped'
bow-not-dropped: '&aThe bow is not dropped'
kick-message: '&cYou left the game.'
vote-scoreboard-title: '&aMap Voting'
scoreboard-map: '&e%map% &b(%votes%)'
voting-time-started: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eVoting time has been started, click the item
in your inventory and choose your favourite map!'
vote-win: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eMap &b%map% &ehas won the voting starting game soon...'
vote-error-perm: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough permissions to vote!'
vote-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The arena has been selected you are not allowed to
vote anymore!'
gold-reason: Pick Up Gold
kill-reason: Killed A Player
receive-score-message: '&6+&e%score% &6scores (%reason%)!'
spec-chat-prefix: '&eSPEC: &f'
murder-role: Murderer
detective-role: Detective
innocent-role: Innocent
dead-role: Dead
death-title: '&cYou died'
death-subtitle: '&eKilled by: &c%killer%'
murder-receive-sword-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The murderer has received his sword!'
bow-location-message: '&eBow location is on &b(%loc%) &efeet!'
near-player-location-message: '&bNearest Player &f%player% &bdistance &e(%distance%)
title-countdown: '&cStarting game in'
subtitle-countdown: '&e%time% &eseconds!'
you-are-murderer-title: '&cYou are the murderer!'
you-are-murderer-subtitle: '&fKill all the players!'
you-are-detective-title: '&bYou are the detective!'
you-are-detective-subtitle: '&fFind the murderer and kill him!'
you-have-bow-title: '&aYou have got a bow!'
you-have-bow-subtitle: '&fYou have +1 shot to kill the murderer!'
you-are-innocent-title: '&aYou are an innocent!'
you-are-innocent-subtitle: '&fCollect gold to have a chance to kill the murderer!'
countdown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts in %time% seconds!'
join-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You can''t join that arena because its already started!'
already-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are already in an arena!'
arena-full: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That arena is full!'
no-arenas: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7No arenas available at this time :/!'
player-join-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &e%player% &7has joined the game &b(%min%/%max%)&e!'
player-leave-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas left the game&7!'
ingame-motd: '&cIngame'
lobby-motd: '&aLobby'
starting-motd: '&cStarting'
voting-motd: '&dVoting'
game-soon-start-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts soon!'
cancel: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Starting has been cancelled due not enough players!'
not-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are not in arena!'
spectate-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now!'
spectate-message2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now do /murder leave to
lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eLobby has been set!'
death-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas died!'
detective-die: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe detective has died pick up his bow!'
arena-created-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-already-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena already exits!'
arena-remove-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-not-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Arena not exits!'
wait-lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eWait lobby has been set!'
add-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eAdded mystery potion block!'
remove-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eRemoved mystery potion block!'
potion-use-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7MysteryPotion is in use already!'
potion-use-error-2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough gold to use mystery
potion-use-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou have used a mystery potions!'
spectate-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSpectator position has been set!'
not-online: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That player is not online!'
add-spawn-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &ePlayer spawn added!'
add-gold-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eGold spawn added!'
lobby-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
wait-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
countdown-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
ingame-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
stats-scoreboard-title: '&aMurder Stats'
sign-header: '&aMurder'
game: '&eIngame'
sign-lobby: '&eLobby'
sign-starting: '&eStarting'
sign-arena: '&e%arena%'
players: '&emin/max'
auto-join-sign-line-1: '&aMurder'
auto-join-sign-line-2: '&7Click to join'
auto-join-sign-line-3: '&7Random Arena'
auto-join-sign-line-4: ''
pickup-bow: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSomeone has picked up the bow!'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '&c&lMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&eMap: &f%map%'
- '&eTime: &f%time%'
- '&ePlayers Amount: &f%players%'
- '&eDate: &f%date%'
- '&eMurderers Amount: &f%mamount%'
- '&eDetetives Amount: &f%damount%'
- '&eInnocents Amount: &f%iamount%'
- '&f/murder &7| &eMain command'
- '&f/murder join <arena> &7| &eTo join an arena'
- '&f/murder leave &7| &eTo leave a game'
- '&f/murder stats &7| &eTo view your stats'
- '&f/murder stats <player> &7| &eTo see other players stats'
- '&f/murder randomjoin &7| &eTo join random arena'
- '&f/murder reset &7| &eTo reset your stats'
- '&f/murder admin &7| &eAdmin commands'
- '&f/murder about &7| &eAbout the plugin'
- '&aYour Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&a%player% Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cWaiting for players'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cStarting: &7%countdown%s'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&cDate: &7%date%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cTime: &7%time%'
- '&cInnocents left: &7%innocents%'
- '&cRole: &7%role%'
- '&cMap: &7%map%'
- '&r&r&r&r'
- '%bow-state%'
- '&cKills: &7%kills%'
- '&cScore: &7%score%'
- '&r&r&r&r&r'
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- ''
- '&6Kills: &e%kills%'
- '&6Deaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&6Loses: &e%loses%'
- '&6Wins: &e%wins%'
- '&6Score: &e%score%'
- ''
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &aPLAYERS'
- ''
- '&cMurderer: &e%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &cMURDERER'
- ''
- '&eMurderer: &c%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'

Optional Dependency:
In corpses reborn config change these values (on-death, looting-inventory) to false

And PlaceHolderAPI

Note if the game is not working:
Edit the win rewards or disable it, because in config there are win rewards for arena test and you are getting errors because there are no rewards for your arena, edit the sounds in settings.YAML because the sounds in it are 1.8 sounds you need to change them to 1.9+ sounds for example in config ORB_PICKUP to ENTITY_ORB_PICKUP (not sure) search in google for bukkit 1.9+ sounds

Tutorial: (Old Version)


Source : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...na-mysql-support-source-code-available.36894/
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

Torrents Stats

9 Février 2021
This resource is for sale, source code and ownership pm me for details.

Beta Version


Before posting a bad review contact me let me help you to fix your issues.

If you don't have Paypal to buy murder mystery, and you want to purchase it with another payment method private message me.

Code (Text):
Junior1544: 40$

Servers: [Review the plugin with your server ip if you want it to be added here].
  • Play.Betacraft.Org
  • mc.meliminecraft.com | 1.12
  • blocksmc.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.skybattle.net | 1.8 - 1.12
  • play.blazevortex.com | 1.8 - 1.12
  • s1.oldcrafters.net


Murder Mystery is a simple and fun Minigame, 1 player is a Murderer and 1 player is a Detective and all the other players are Innocents, the detective and innocents should kill the murder before they get killed by him!

  • Murderer
    • The murder has a knife, his job is to kill everyone in the game to win if there are still innocent players alive when the timer runs out, the Innocents win, the murder can kill anyone with one hit!
  • Detective:

    • The Detective his job is defending the Innocents. After the game starts the Detective gets a bow with infinite arrows he should shoot the murder saving the Innocents and winning the game. if the detective killed the wrong person (not the murder) both of them will die and a bow will drop the next one who picks up the bow will be the detective and have a chance to kill the murder.
  • Innocents

    • All the rest of players are innocents their job is to hide and run to not get killed by the murder they have a chance to collect gold and get a bow to kill the murder if they hit someone else by accident (not the murder) both of them will die.

  • Easy to setup the game
    • Simple commands and ways to set up the game fast
  • Multi-arena support
    • You can create arenas as much as you want | you can create multiple worlds and create arenas in it
  • LeaderHeads Support
    • Show top players on armor stands, heads etc..
  • PlaceholderAPI support
    • You are able to use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders on every message sent by Murder plugin.
  • Efficient scoreboard system
    • There are 4 scoreboards
      • Countdown:
        • %countdown% countdown time
        • %max% max players in game
        • %size% online players in game
      • Stats:
        • %kills% shows number of kills
        • %deaths% shows number of deaths
        • %wins% shows number of wins
        • %loses% shows number of loses
        • %score% shows number of score
      • Lobby:
        • %min% number of online players in game
        • %max% max players in game
      • Ingame:
        • %date% | date
        • %innocents% | number of innocents alive
        • %role% | your role
        • %map% | map name
        • %time% | game time
        • %spectators% | spectate players amount
        • %score% | shows your score
        • %kills% | shows your in game kills
        • %bow-state% | shows if the detective bow dropped or not
  • Stats
    • Stats system to save [Loses, Wins, Kills, Deaths]
  • Murder Ability
    • Throwing sword
  • Rewards
    • Custom win rewards per arena
  • Settings
    • Each arena has custom settings for the gameplay
  • Spectator compass
    • Custom spectate compass to teleport to in-game players
  • Language file
    • To translate all text in game
  • Signs
    • Simple and custom join signs
  • Tracker Compass
    • Track dropped bow
  • Different type of messages
    • Normal messages Title messages
    • ActionBar messages
    • Title messages
  • Bungee Games Option
    • Per server game
  • MySQL
    • Save player stats with MySQL
  • Corpses
    • Dead players on ground
  • Mystery Potions
    • Get in game random potions by clicking a specific block created by an admin
  • Map Voting For Bungee
    • If you have more than 1 Arena in bungee there will be a map voting
Player commands:
  • /murder the main command
  • /murder join <arena>
  • /murder leave
  • /murder stats
  • /murder stats <player>
  • /murder randomjoin | murder.randomjoin | Random arena join
  • /murder arenas | murder.arenas | shows arena select GUI

Admin commands: | Permission: murder.admin
  • /murder admin main command
  • /murder create <arena>
  • /murder remove <arena>
  • /murder setlobby
  • /murder setwait <arena>
  • /murder setspectate <arena>
  • /murder addspawn <arena> <number>
  • /murder addgold <arena> <number>
  • /murder start <arena>
  • /murder stop <arena>
  • /murder reload
  • /murder settime <arena> <seconds>
  • /murder addpotion <arena>
  • /murder removepotion <arena>
  • /murder setmin <arena> <number>
  • /murder setmurderamount <arena> <number>
  • /murder setdetectiveamount <arena> <number>


Multi Arena:-
  1. Set the main lobby (/murder setlobby)
  2. Create an arena using this command (/murder create <arena name>)
  3. Set the waiting lobby for the arena (/murder setwait <arena>)
  4. Add spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addspawn <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from number 0
  5. Add gold spawns for the arena using this command (/murder addgold <arena> <number> | Spawn numbers should start from 0
  6. Set the spectator position (/murder setspectate <arena>)
  7. Set the time for the arena (/murder settime <arena> <seconds>)
  8. Add the potion stand (/murder addpotion <arena>) | Add potion for a target block for the arena


Enable bungee in config.yml
If you want direct join to the arena when you join the server just create one arena with the setup tutorial above.

If you want to have multi arenas for bungee server and map selector/votes
Create multiple arenas using the methods above and reload the server at the ending and all players should get an item to vote for the map requires (murder.vote) permission to vote for the map.

Mystery Potions:
When you create an arena you can add mystery potions using this command
/murder addpotion <arena> | it will be added on the target block
Using holographic displays to create a hologram above the potion machine
To create a mystery potion look at this example.

Code (Text):
type: SPEED
time: 10
name: '&bSpeed'
title: '&bSpeed'
subtitle: '&710S Of speed'
level: 1

Potion Name: Speed-Potion | it should not have spaces
Type: Speed
Time: 10 seconds
Displayname: &bSpeed
Title and subtitle on drink potion
level of the potion

To create more potions copy and paste the example and change the potion name.


Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

  • Test = arena name (rewards for arena test)
  • 0 reward number you can add more rewards like 0, 1, 2 random rewards if player win
  • remove test to make win rewards public for all arenas


Note: all variables in the signs are custom in messages.yml

Join specific arena sign:

Code (Text):

Join random arena sign:

Map Voting Menu:
When you have the map voting feature is enabled, you will get a default item when you join the server and when you click the item you will see the map voting menu, so the items in the GUI are default paper with maps names if you want to change the paper all you need to do in config.yml is going to a blank/white spot and add your arena name for example test and near it add the item ID and Sub ID, for example, this is config

Code (Text):
test: 35;14

So the item in GUI for arena test would be a red wool (35 means wool id) (14 red data)

API: Class name [MurderAPI].

Code (Text):


Arena a = Arenas.getArena(Player)
a. ctrl + space for methods

Main.api.setNonSql or SqlData (player, wins, loses, kills, score, deaths)..


Code (Text):
instant-explode: false
firework-height: 3
power: 1
type: BALL
flicker: false
trail: false
close-prepared-statements-after-updating-data: true
close-sql-statements-after: 5
do-not-edit: false
bungee: false
send-to-server-on-leave: false
update-data-on-game-end: false
update-data-on-server-stop: true
update-data-on-player-quit: true
update-data-on-player-leave-arena: true
mysql: false
lobby-server: lobby-server
host: localhost
port: '3306'
database: testdb
username: root
password: ''
remove-sword-after-time: 5
per-world-hide-player: false
- world
- world2

Code (Text):
enable-mystery-potions: true
spectate-with-gamemode-3: true
block-state-behind-signs: true
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-ingame-state-durability: 14
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-lobby-state-durability: 5
block-behind-sign-starting-state-id: 95
block-behind-sign-starting-state-durability: 4
rejoin-interval: 3
murder-sword-remove-height: 2
throwing-sword-angle-rotation: 351
death-messages: true
prevent-gold-dropping-near-other-gold-players-radius: 3
- /test command
- world
- world
commands-whitelist: false
board-whitelist: false
arenas-inventory-size: 54
arenas-inventory-title: Arena List
arenas-lobby-state-item-id: 159
arenas-lobby-state-item-data: 5
arenas-lobby-state-item-name: '&a%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
frame-item-id: 160
frame-item-data: 15
arenas-starting-state-item-id: 159
arenas-starting-state-item-data: 4
arenas-starting-state-item-name: '&6%arena%'
- '&bPlayers: &e%players%/%max%'
- '&bState: &e%state%'
- '&bMap: &e%map%'
arenas-ingame-state-item-id: 159
arenas-ingame-state-item-data: 14
arenas-ingame-state-item-name: '&c%arena%'
- '&ePlayers: &7%players%/%max%'
- '&eState: &7%state%'
- '&eMap: &7%map%'
stats-board: true
no-fall-damage: true
tp-lobby-on-join: false
per-arena-chat: true
send-stats-message-on-leave: true
win-rewards: false
hero-rewards: false
lose-rewards: false
start-fireworks-on-players-location: true
show-potion-name-in-floating-item: true
score-on-kill: 10
score-on-gold: 5
time-until-game-start: 5
give-spectate-item-after-ticks: 5
stop-arena-after-win-time: 5
fireworks-ticks: 5
fireworks-time-in-ticks: 10
vote-time: 15
size: 36
name: Voting
map-displayname-in-gui-color: GREEN
map-item-lore: '&eVotes: &b%votes%'
vote-message: '&a[Murder] &eYou have voted for &b%map% &emap!'
bow-delay: true
bow-delay-seconds: 3
bow-pickup-radius: 2
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&d&lMAP SELECTOR'
item-lore: '&fClick here to select a map'
tracking-compass: true
time-to-give-tracker: 60
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lPLAYER TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTracks players'
range: 100
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&a&lBOW TRACKER'
item-lore: '&fTrack bow location'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the arena!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the lobby!'
item-id: 351
item-subid: 1
item-name: '&c&lQUIT'
item-lore: '&fClick here to leave from the server!'
spectate-inventory-size: 18
spectate-inventory-title: Spectate Players
Spectate-Display-Name-Color: RED
Spectate-Display-Lore: '&fClick to teleport to that player!'
item-name: '&a&lSPECTATE'
item-id: 345
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&b&lREJOIN'
item-id: 339
item-subid: 0
enable-sword-throw: true
throw-sword-damage-radius: 1
throw-sword-cooldown: 3
sword-throw-speed: 1
receive-sword-after: 10
item-id: 267
item-subid: 0
item-name: '&c&lKNIFE'
item-lore: '&fKill em all'
min-players-to-start-bungee: 3
countdown: 15
gold-drop-interval: 20
gold-amount-to-get-bow: 10
gold-amount-to-get-potion: 2
dropped-item-id: 266
enable-sounds: false
rejoin-option: true
scoreboard-update-interval: 10

Code (Text):
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2
- say %player% test reward
- say %player% test reward2

Code (Text):
arena-select-next-format: '&aNext Page ->'
arena-select-previous-format: '&c<- Previous Page'
potion-title: '&b%type% Potion!'
potion-subtitle: '&eFor %time% seconds!'
progress-bar-1: "&a\u2586"
progress-bar-2: "&c\u2586"
sword-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
sword-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your throwing sword again!'
throw-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for sword cooldown!'
bow-cooldown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Wait for bow cooldown!'
bow-actionbar-cooldown: '&a&lCooldown: &f[%progress%&f]'
bow-can-use-again: '&a&lYou can use your bow again!'
stats-reset-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Could not reset stats, play games then you will
be able to reset stats!'
stats-reset-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eStats was reset successfully!'
bow-dropped: '&cThe bow is dropped'
bow-not-dropped: '&aThe bow is not dropped'
kick-message: '&cYou left the game.'
vote-scoreboard-title: '&aMap Voting'
scoreboard-map: '&e%map% &b(%votes%)'
voting-time-started: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eVoting time has been started, click the item
in your inventory and choose your favourite map!'
vote-win: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eMap &b%map% &ehas won the voting starting game soon...'
vote-error-perm: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough permissions to vote!'
vote-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The arena has been selected you are not allowed to
vote anymore!'
gold-reason: Pick Up Gold
kill-reason: Killed A Player
receive-score-message: '&6+&e%score% &6scores (%reason%)!'
spec-chat-prefix: '&eSPEC: &f'
murder-role: Murderer
detective-role: Detective
innocent-role: Innocent
dead-role: Dead
death-title: '&cYou died'
death-subtitle: '&eKilled by: &c%killer%'
murder-receive-sword-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7The murderer has received his sword!'
bow-location-message: '&eBow location is on &b(%loc%) &efeet!'
near-player-location-message: '&bNearest Player &f%player% &bdistance &e(%distance%)
title-countdown: '&cStarting game in'
subtitle-countdown: '&e%time% &eseconds!'
you-are-murderer-title: '&cYou are the murderer!'
you-are-murderer-subtitle: '&fKill all the players!'
you-are-detective-title: '&bYou are the detective!'
you-are-detective-subtitle: '&fFind the murderer and kill him!'
you-have-bow-title: '&aYou have got a bow!'
you-have-bow-subtitle: '&fYou have +1 shot to kill the murderer!'
you-are-innocent-title: '&aYou are an innocent!'
you-are-innocent-subtitle: '&fCollect gold to have a chance to kill the murderer!'
countdown: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts in %time% seconds!'
join-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You can''t join that arena because its already started!'
already-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are already in an arena!'
arena-full: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That arena is full!'
no-arenas: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7No arenas available at this time :/!'
player-join-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &e%player% &7has joined the game &b(%min%/%max%)&e!'
player-leave-arena-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas left the game&7!'
ingame-motd: '&cIngame'
lobby-motd: '&aLobby'
starting-motd: '&cStarting'
voting-motd: '&dVoting'
game-soon-start-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe game will starts soon!'
cancel: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Starting has been cancelled due not enough players!'
not-in-arena: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You are not in arena!'
spectate-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now!'
spectate-message2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou are a spectator now do /murder leave to
lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eLobby has been set!'
death-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7%player% &ehas died!'
detective-die: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eThe detective has died pick up his bow!'
arena-created-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-already-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena already exits!'
arena-remove-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eArena has been created!'
arena-not-exits: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7Arena not exits!'
wait-lobby-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eWait lobby has been set!'
add-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eAdded mystery potion block!'
remove-potion: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eRemoved mystery potion block!'
potion-use-error: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7MysteryPotion is in use already!'
potion-use-error-2: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7You don''t have enough gold to use mystery
potion-use-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eYou have used a mystery potions!'
spectate-set-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSpectator position has been set!'
not-online: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &7That player is not online!'
add-spawn-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &ePlayer spawn added!'
add-gold-message: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eGold spawn added!'
lobby-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
wait-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
countdown-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
ingame-scoreboard-title: '&c&lMurder Mystery'
stats-scoreboard-title: '&aMurder Stats'
sign-header: '&aMurder'
game: '&eIngame'
sign-lobby: '&eLobby'
sign-starting: '&eStarting'
sign-arena: '&e%arena%'
players: '&emin/max'
auto-join-sign-line-1: '&aMurder'
auto-join-sign-line-2: '&7Click to join'
auto-join-sign-line-3: '&7Random Arena'
auto-join-sign-line-4: ''
pickup-bow: '&7[&cMurder&7]: &eSomeone has picked up the bow!'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '&c&lMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&eMap: &f%map%'
- '&eTime: &f%time%'
- '&ePlayers Amount: &f%players%'
- '&eDate: &f%date%'
- '&eMurderers Amount: &f%mamount%'
- '&eDetetives Amount: &f%damount%'
- '&eInnocents Amount: &f%iamount%'
- '&f/murder &7| &eMain command'
- '&f/murder join <arena> &7| &eTo join an arena'
- '&f/murder leave &7| &eTo leave a game'
- '&f/murder stats &7| &eTo view your stats'
- '&f/murder stats <player> &7| &eTo see other players stats'
- '&f/murder randomjoin &7| &eTo join random arena'
- '&f/murder reset &7| &eTo reset your stats'
- '&f/murder admin &7| &eAdmin commands'
- '&f/murder about &7| &eAbout the plugin'
- '&aYour Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&a%player% Game Stats'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&aName: &e%player%'
- '&aWins: &e%wins%'
- '&aLoses: &e%loses%'
- '&aKills: &e%kills%'
- '&aDeaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&aTotal score: &e%score%'
- '&b&m------------------'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cWaiting for players'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&r'
- '&cPlayers: &7%size%/%max%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cStarting: &7%countdown%s'
- '&r&r&r'
- '&cwww.server.net'
- '&cDate: &7%date%'
- '&r&r'
- '&cTime: &7%time%'
- '&cInnocents left: &7%innocents%'
- '&cRole: &7%role%'
- '&cMap: &7%map%'
- '&r&r&r&r'
- '%bow-state%'
- '&cKills: &7%kills%'
- '&cScore: &7%score%'
- '&r&r&r&r&r'
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- ''
- '&6Kills: &e%kills%'
- '&6Deaths: &e%deaths%'
- '&6Loses: &e%loses%'
- '&6Wins: &e%wins%'
- '&6Score: &e%score%'
- ''
- '&cspigotmc.org'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &aPLAYERS'
- ''
- '&cMurderer: &e%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&fMurder Mystery'
- ''
- '&fWinner: &cMURDERER'
- ''
- '&eMurderer: &c%murderer%'
- '&eDetective: &c%detective%'
- '&eHero: &c%hero%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'

Optional Dependency:
In corpses reborn config change these values (on-death, looting-inventory) to false

And PlaceHolderAPI

Note if the game is not working:
Edit the win rewards or disable it, because in config there are win rewards for arena test and you are getting errors because there are no rewards for your arena, edit the sounds in settings.YAML because the sounds in it are 1.8 sounds you need to change them to 1.9+ sounds for example in config ORB_PICKUP to ENTITY_ORB_PICKUP (not sure) search in google for bukkit 1.9+ sounds

Tutorial: (Old Version)


Source : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...na-mysql-support-source-code-available.36894/
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix
Merci bien :-)
Haut Bas