Traité Besoin d'aide avec Hammer


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2017
Voilà, j'aimerais modifier RP Rockford v2b (le vmf vient de une fois ouverte dans hammer je la sauvegarde sous rp_rockford_test.vmf puis quand je fais "run map", dans le jeu, je vois ça:

Et si besoin je vous montre les logs lors de la compilation:

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -allowdynamicpropsasstatic -notjunc -game "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Apr 29 2016)
allowdynamicpropsasstatic = true
notjunc = true
8 threads
materialPath: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\materials
Loading c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.vmf
Can't find surfaceprop sheetrock for material PLASTER/PLASTER_INT_18, using default
ConVarRef mat_reduceparticles doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/FLOOR/MARBLE01A, using default
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/WALL/MARBLE01, using default
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/FLOOR/MARBLE02, using default
material "nature/cliff01a" not found.
Material not found!: NATURE/CLIFF01A
material "ajacks/ben_paintblue" not found.
Material not found!: AJACKS/BEN_PAINTBLUE
material "realworldtextures2/ground/carpet_30" not found.
Could not locate 'GameData' key in d:\steam\steamapps\common\garrysmod\garrysmod\gameinfo.txt
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_test/statua/nature/rockfordgrass1_noprop_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_rockford_test/statua/nature/rockfordgrass1_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
**** leaked ****
Entity keyframe_rope (-1829.41 -11632.40 464.00) leaked!
Processing areas...
Brush 608289: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 608289: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 608289: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas

Brush 608289: areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas
done (0)
Building Faces...error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
error: material STATUA/WATER_HRP_MAT doesn't have a $bottommaterial
done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...
Merged 1604 detail faces...done (1)
Merging details...done (0)
done (1)
Can't load skybox file skybox/painted to build the default cubemap!
Can't load skybox file skybox/painted to build the default cubemap!
Finding displacement neighbors...
Found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges.
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Can't find surfaceprop asphalt for material concrete/roadcrosswalk_overlay, using default
Can't find surfaceprop asphalt for material concrete/roadcrosswalk_overlay_2, using default
Building Physics collision data...
done (2) (1418203 bytes)
Static prop models/props_wasteland/exterior_fence_notbarbed002e.mdl outside the map (-9504.00, 5888.00, 84.34)
Static prop models/props/cs_assault/firehydrant.mdl outside the map (-9486.00, 5145.85, 8.00)
Static prop models/props_c17/lamppost03a_on.mdl outside the map (-9008.00, 6200.08, 8.00)
Static prop models/props/cs_assault/pylon.mdl outside the map (-8898.29, 6329.71, -0.00)
Static prop models/props/cs_assault/pylon.mdl outside the map (-8864.13, 6327.94, -0.00)
Static prop models/props_rooftop/chimneypipe_cluster02a.mdl outside the map (-9967.03, 5608.00, 344.00)
Static prop models/sickness/streetnamesign.mdl outside the map (-8959.57, 5310.70, 120.05)
Static prop models/sickness/streetnamesign.mdl outside the map (-8960.57, 5311.70, 110.05)
Static prop models/props_c17/utilitypole01a.mdl outside the map (-1824.41, -11592.40, -0.72)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 6804 texinfos to 4066
Reduced 1027 texdatas to 887 (51808 bytes to 45963)
Writing c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.bsp
9 seconds elapsed
-19.913599 -4.225430 0.000000
-22.250401 -3.887319 0.000000
-19.913599 -3.496582 0.000000
-21.666201 -4.552552 0.000000
make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert
-0.975553 -1.268733 0.000000
0.000000 -1.246832 0.000000
-0.975553 -1.246832 0.000000
-0.975553 -1.290635 0.000000
make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert
-0.975553 -1.268733 0.000000
0.000000 -1.246832 0.000000
-0.975553 -1.246832 0.000000
-0.975553 -1.290635 0.000000
make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -fast -game "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (May 22 2018)
fastvis = true
8 threads
reading c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.bsp
reading c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.prt
LoadPortals: couldn't read c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.prt

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -bounce 2 -noextra -game "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (May 22 2018)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
8 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[45 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.bsp
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_interiors/dining_table_round.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/tree_base_bushes01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/maple_001_l.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_junk/petfoodbag01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_interiors/styrofoam_cups.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_unique/airport/trash_bin1.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_interiors/industrial_table01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_interiors/trashcan01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_junk/dumpster.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_rooftop/chimneypipe_cluster02a.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/urban_streettree01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/mall_pot_large01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/mall_small_palm01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/mall_big_plant01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/mall_bigleaves_plant03.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/mall_bush02.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_foliage/mall_pot_squarexl01.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_interiors/chairs_airport.mdl"
Error! Invalid model version "models/props_interiors/refrigerator03.mdl"
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
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Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
Patch Sample Radius Clamped!
No vis information, direct lighting only.
Setting up ray-trace acceleration structure... Done (9.45 seconds)
18359 faces
15 degenerate faces
9844354 square feet [1417586944.00 square inches]
873 Displacements
2553171 Square Feet [367656704.00 Square Inches]
sun extent from map=0.000000
619 direct lights
BuildFacelights: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (52)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.1324 sec>
FinalLightFace: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (10)
FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ThreadComputeLeafAmbient: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (55)
Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
------------ --------------- --------------- --------
models 101/1024 4848/49152 ( 9.9%)
brushes 3851/8192 46212/98304 (47.0%)
brushsides 26771/65536 214168/524288 (40.8%)
planes 12358/65536 247160/1310720 (18.9%)
vertexes 36422/65536 437064/786432 (55.6%)
nodes 10287/65536 329184/2097152 (15.7%)
texinfos 4066/12288 292752/884736 (33.1%)
texdata 887/2048 28384/65536 (43.3%)
dispinfos 873/0 153648/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 52513/0 1050260/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 80544/0 161088/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 1622064/0 1622064/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 18359/65536 1028104/3670016 (28.0%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 11718/65536 656208/3670016 (17.9%)
leaves 10389/65536 332448/2097152 (15.9%)
leaffaces 23618/65536 47236/131072 (36.0%)
leafbrushes 9731/65536 19462/131072 (14.8%)
areas 10/256 80/2048 ( 3.9%)
surfedges 120696/512000 482784/2048000 (23.6%)
edges 86045/256000 344180/1024000 (33.6%)
LDR worldlights 619/8192 54472/720896 ( 7.6%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 2/32768 24/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 0/32768 0/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 0/65536 0/131072 ( 0.0%)
cubemapsamples 132/1024 2112/16384 (12.9%)
overlays 77/512 27104/180224 (15.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 21236332/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 570323/393216 (145.0%) VERY FULL!
LDR ambient table 10389/65536 41556/262144 (15.9%)
HDR ambient table 10389/65536 41556/262144 (15.9%)
LDR leaf ambient 76665/65536 2146620/1835008 (117.0%) VERY FULL!
HDR leaf ambient 10389/65536 290892/1835008 (15.9%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/166310 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 262197/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 1418203/4194304 (33.8%)
physics terrain [variable] 211653/1048576 (20.2%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 36910
Writing c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.bsp
2 minutes, 8 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "c:\users\jotech\desktop\rp_rockford_test.bsp" "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps\rp_rockford_test.bsp"

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\hl2.exe"
** Parameters: -allowdebug -game "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" +map "rp_rockford_test"

Je tiens aussi à dire que je n'ai rien modifié lors de cette compilation donc pour ça que je vous demande de l'aide car je ne comprend pas pourquoi j'ai ces erreurs alors que je n'ai encore rien modifié.
Merci d'avance d'avoir pris le temps de me lire ou même de m'aider, je vous souhaite une bonne journée/soirée.


Deleted Member
Can't load skybox file skybox/painted to build the default cubemap!
Can't load skybox file skybox/painted to build the default cubemap!
Dans tes logs tu as ça. Les cubes map servent à faire les render. C'est pour ça que en jeu tout est bugé


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2017
Dans tes logs tu as ça. Les cubes map servent à faire les render. C'est pour ça que en jeu tout est bugé
D'accord mais comment puis-je régler ça car je ne comprend pas pourquoi il n'arrive pas a le load alors que je n'ai encore pas touché à la map.


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2017
Tu n'as pas les matériaux de la map sur Hammer.
Et j'ai mis les textures du extra.7z dans le dossier "\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\" et je vois toutes textures lorsque je suis dans hammer donc pendant la compile je ne sais pas non plus pourquoi ça me marque ça ^^'


Donateur ❤
Level 3

Torrents Stats

25 Août 2017
Salut, super post car j ai exatment pareil: un coup c'est comme toi, ou ya pas de lumière, ou j ai que le moitié de la map!


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2017
Salut, super post car j ai exatment pareil: un coup c'est comme toi, ou ya pas de lumière, ou j ai que le moitié de la map!
Juste j'aimerais savoir toi ça te le fais que sur cette map ou sur n'importe quelle map ça te le fait aussi? Car pour ma part ça me le fais sur toute je viens d'en tester et ça me donne le même résultat donc je pense que mon Hammer est bugué le problème c'est que je fais que de désinstaller GMOD et Source SDK puis les réinstaller mais rien ne change toujours le même problème. :/


Donateur ❤
Level 3

Torrents Stats

25 Août 2017
Juste j'aimerais savoir toi ça te le fais que sur cette map ou sur n'importe quelle map ça te le fait aussi? Car pour ma part ça me le fais sur toute je viens d'en tester et ça me donne le même résultat donc je pense que mon Hammer est bugué le problème c'est que je fais que de désinstaller GMOD et Source SDK puis les réinstaller mais rien ne change toujours le même problème. :/
Oui toute! Jsp pas comment faire c galère!


Deleted Member
Bon après YouTube est ton seul espoir car là je sais pas :/


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2017
J'ai déjà cherché et j'ai aussi demandé de l'aide sur le forum de Power Host et j'attend une réponse ^^ mais merci d'avoir essayé ^^


Donateur ❤
Level 3

Torrents Stats

25 Août 2017
Youtube aucune video parlatn de cela exatement, Mtx: post qui date de 2013 ... Aucune aide c'est vraiment chaud et c soulant a la longue de pas réussir XD


Master 🏆
Level 5

Torrents Stats

21 Août 2017
Oui je sais mais le pire c'est qu'avant j'avais déjà essayé de modifier Rockford v2b et ça avait fonctionné je n'avais eu aucun soucis et j'ai fais la même manip et là j'ai des Leaks, Erreurs partout :/. Dans les logs j'ai remarqué que il y avait des leaks donc j'ai cliqué sur View>Go to Brush Number... puis j'ai entré le numéro 608289 donc j'ai regardé autour et j'ai vu ça:
Mais quand je m'approche de ce leak bah il y a un problème car le leak s'enlève:
Donc je ne sais pas si ça peut aider à résoudre mon problème mais là je suis vraiment perdu car comment je peux fixer un leak qui n'existe pas.
Haut Bas